JUL 05 2005
meeting 5:30 pm
—6-7, Joe music; 7-8, Scot poetry Friday, 22 July.
Saturday site Broadcast 8 AM–5 pm
Broad. Sun—8 AM–5 PM
JUL 07 2005
Amber [Friedman] is the host of the new reggae show on Wednesday nite @ CHSR . . . Will also try to get her for Highland Radio—why not? She's good, and likeable.
JUL 12 2005
? Do UNB/STU have tartans? Tris believes UNB has a tweed. Webpage links to be supplied to Tris so I can look and suggest updates. HR2002 brochure may be my doing. Adrien Park. Natalie. 30 July 5:30-7 music by Dave Pirie. Scott Kitchen production? Jeremy can only do if replace his job hrs. Nick—spoken word coord, part of HR now. Good!
JUL 14 2005
CBC Ideas
? abt
Box 500 Stn A
Toro M5W 1E6
JUL 19 2005
contact Ted Alex or Anne to fasttrack the Ideas program. Give Melissa the Freeland Barbour and The Occasionals cassette. Bernie Lucht, Paul Kennedy, Max Allen (?) Liz, associate producer (416)___-____ Revise brochure: CHSR, confirmed volunteers, other programming on CHSR. Mix of Caps & lowercase > Arial.
JUL 20 3005
. . . called alex @ CBC Hfx and got direct # for Bernie (still sr Prod) and Paul . . . I called Liz to ask if she'd do an interviews as weaver of tartan on Highlands Radio (she said yes) . . . Then I called and left message for Melissa @ CHSR . . . Liz has just been asked to demo on the Games site—weaving, drop spindle, something—very last minute but . . .
James Doohan, "Scotty" of Star Trek fame, has died.
JUL 21 2005
1 mess, 1 pm: Liz N_ @ Ideas called. Bernie says it's fine to broadcast "Water of Life" & "Guiness is Good for You". Ceilidh. I'm now providing 5½ straight hours of Friday's HR from Scotch Music thru Highland APB, "The Robbie Burns Story" and The Occasionals Trad Ceilidh. Plus Tris or Melissa did get Ryan to do a "Celtic Soundtrack" as I suggested. Plus some of the retro coverage is from my recording onsite, plus getting Amber on air was my doing . . . this year Highland Radio is throwing Lyon to the boys w/ the heavy events—he should be a good person for them.
A pair of Irish wolfhounds . . . Off Square open air concert by Solstice with Matt Carter percussion—djembe, bodran; harp and keys; Krista on fiddle; someone I don't recognize under his ballcap; Helen on whistle also sings; accordion [Jane] . . .
JUL 22 2005
• cue cassettes for shows. Theme song, #6, "Scotch Music". Uisce Beatha stn ID 1-22, Mahones 1-21, Sheeple 1-48, Buddy 1-45. Reel-to-reeel on Tape 1. CD 20040960 Taxi Chain. "Water of Life" 54.53 time . . . "the water is added to release the serpents from the whisky."
JUL 24 2005
"Not bad music"—kid running by HR tent (while I'm producer-host on the board)
shirts: "write poetry" Simple, faded denim
loc: FAA casemate
temp: 19 C
sound: Shooglenifty, Venus in Tweeds
11 September 2005
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