23 September 2005

casemate poems (reprise) 50

because it's the first day of autumn
because squirrels are our only audience

because their mouths are filled with nuts
because claire has been sewing silk balls

because amber has a white feather artichoke
because a caution wet foor sign is out

because a pinch of idiocy is too much
because a coda might be in order for this

because i'm watched by woman with black dog
because grass stains and clay add flavour

not just colour and texture to the poem
because i just killed an autumn mosquito

—winged insect not plywood allied bomber
because big wind will lift and blow this artist

out of his temporary pothole across town
because today is struggling toward hign noon

because the waiting is all about leaving—
student going home for weekend with supplies

because peter pacey is giving a walking tour
because this is shoulder season for my heart


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