Caine Haris at the easel painting his decon- recon- faces, heads, not cubist, not yet protraits but he's heading in that direction. Even has people he wants paint. Just needs more boards, more paint—enough to make each use of materials for each painting exercise less precious—enough to give him room to play, to experiment and play, to make mistakes without stressing over it.

Liz, of
lizzie's yarns, on the sewing machine. Her Husqvarna. Other times she was running a knitting machine, or needlefelting.

Some of Liz's works-in-progress, production, hung on the casemate wall: knit handbags and handbag parts, silk-end weavings . . .

Last Friday, time of the dissappeared happy hour, after the two solid weeks in the residency casemake, Caine and a pint of Picaroon's, all pints now $4.50 all of the time, on the deck of The Taproom. A good week's work done. "Sociable!"
shirt: CHSR
loc: FAA Casemate
temp: 21
sound: Putumayo presents New Orleans
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