M. Travis Lane has lived in Fredericton since 1960. She has published fourteen books of poetry. The most recent are: The Book of Widows (Frog Hollow Press, 2010), The All-Nighter’s Radio (Guernica Press, 2010), and Ash Steps (Cormorant Press, 2012).
Robert Moore is the author of four collections of poetry, including his latest from Signal Editions, The Golden Book of Bovinities. His work has appeared in a host of national and international journals and anthologies, including Descant, The Fiddlehead, and Quadrant. He teaches literature and creative writing at UNB.
Vanessa Moeller’s poems and short stories have appeared in numerous periodicals, and have won several awards including the Atlantic Poetry Prize and an honorable mention in the poetry category of the 2010 National Magazine Awards. Her first poetry collection, Our Extraordinary Monsters, was published by Signature Editions in 2009. She completed her MA in creative writing at the University of New Brunswick.
Joe Blades—artist, writer, producer–host of Ashes, Paper, & Beans (CHSR 97.9 FM), a Past President of the League of Canadian Poets, and publisher of Broken Jaw Press—is the author of seven books, including Prison Songs and Storefront Poetry (Ekstasis Editions), and Casemate Poems (Collected) (Chaudiere Books). This reading is made possible by The League of Canadian Poets with funding from The Canada Council for the Arts, and the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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