Jack Layton: Art in Action
Penn Kemp, Editor
300 pages
April 2013
Quattro Books
382 College St
Toronto ON M5T 1S8
The book is scheduled to be launched simultaneously on Thursday, May 2nd at The Rivoli, 334 Queen St. West in Toronto, and at the Vancouver Public Library. The lineup of speakers and performers is being arranged. Contributors are also welcome to present their piece at the after-party that will follow the Rivoli launch at 9 pm at Q Space, 382 College St, Toronto, ON. That event is going to include an open mic at which those who won’t be appearing onstage at the Rivoli will be able to speak, in a more intimate setting, about their own connection with Jack.
Other launches are in the planning stages: see www.mytown.ca/pennletters for details, and an update on April 1. Present in BC with Penn Kemp on April 6, 7, 10, 11, and on May 2 with Allan Briesmaster, beloved consulting editor. Penn will be out west launching the book April 4-20, and at the Stratford Library, Stratford, ON, April 21 at 2:30 pm. The London, ON, launch is on May 23 and contributors are welcome to present their piece there too: see http://aeolianhall.ca/events/jack-layton-art-action-book-launch. An Ottawa launch is scheduled for May 29, with hosts MP Irene Mathyssen and Penn Kemp, and contributors. Montreal too, hopefully ... and Guelph.
Here’s information on Jack Layton: Art in Action: http://www.quattrobooks.ca/books/jack-layton-art-in-action/, with Penn's Preface and a list of contributors. To be posted soon are terrific blurbs already received.
Please place orders with Quattro Books, 382 College St. Toronto M5T 1S8. $25 for a beautifully produced book of this size and quality is a very fair value Jack would have appreciated. Order a dozen! Donations for the production of Jack Layton: Art in Action are most welcome any time. The book will be available from Quattro after April 1. Thanks so much for your enthusiasm for this labour of love, which is more necessary now than ever. Here’s celebrating Jack and all he stands for!!!
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