Organizer: Ibero-American Academy of Poetry (AIP)–Fredericton Chapter.
When: Nov. 28, 2009 from 2-4:30pm
Where: Board Room, Fredericton Public Library, 12 Carleton St., Fredericton, NB.
AIP–Fredericton is very proud to launch two anthologies of authors from North, Central and South America, published in various languages.

The first book is titled
Speaking desde las heridas: Cibertestimonio Transfronterizos / Transborder (September 11, 2001-March 11, 2008)(Speaking from the wounds: Transborder Cibertestimonies), edited by Claire Joysmith and published in 2009 with the support of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, CISAN, Monterrey Tech & Whittier College. 114 authors, from eight different countries participated in this compilation about what 9-11 meant to the individual authors. Contributions in Spanish are by celebrated poets such as Claribel Alegría, Marjorie Agosín, José Emilio Pacheco, Eliana Rivero, Wendolyn Lozano and the Fredericton Chapter’s own Director, Nela Rio (with a translation into English by award-winning translator and poet, Hugh Hazelton, an associate member of the Fredericton Chapter of the AIP). English poets included in the anthology are the following: Marilyn Lerch, Joy Harjo, Eve Packer, Thomas Collombat, among others. This book will be introduced by Sophie Lavoie, Chapter Secretary, and poems will be read in the original language in which they appear in the book. Audience members are invited to read poems from the anthology.

The second book is
Poetic Voices Without Borders 2 (Gival Press) edited by Robert Girón and published in México in 2009. This anthology features poems in English, French, and Spanish has been awarded the National Best Book Award for Fiction & Literature: Anthology, 2009 by USA Book News and Best Poetry Anthology by
The Montserrat Review (Spring 2009). Nela Rio will introduce the book and some of the important poets whose work it contains, Claire Joysmith (México) and Luis Alberto Ambroggio, among others. Readings will be in the original language and audience members will be encouraged to read from the collection.
This event is free and open to the public.