The bag was filled with neckties. They came from the wardrobe of the deceased husband of a friend of my grandmother in Cole Harbour, NS: Quite a few silk ones. Plus some wool ties from England, Scotland, Shetland, Trimingham's of Bermuda, one from Quebec, and one handwoven by Betty Complin of St Catharines, Ontario. The prize, however, is a score of handwoven wool ties from Madawaska Weavers here in New Brunswick. Upriver from Fredericton, they were woven and sewn in St Leonard.

shirt: blue long sleeve
loc: fredcollection
temP: -11 C
sound: The Beatles "white album"
Think QUILT Joe!
Quilt has already been discussed with Darlene, as has wearable something(s) . . . say, a vest
Hi Joe, I was doing a search on Madawaska Weavers because I have a woven wool shawl that I would like to get to a home that would love it. It's navy blue with red/yellow/silver on both ends. It looks to be vintage/ has a label that says "Faitala Main 100% Pure Wool, Madawaska Weavers, St. Leonard, NB. I'm happy to send it to you--I think you would give it a good home. I don't see an email address here--how do I contact you? Thanks, Jessie
Comments work well for establishing contact. Several of Joe Blades links to the right the blog post include have my addrees. A Madawaska Weavers shawl sounds like a great thing. The ties really are great, too. Thanks for contacting me.
Jessie, the scarf, whether or table scarf, is great. It looks to be in excellent condition and it definitely is welcomed in my home. I'm very pleased to be able to use to dress a table. Thank you so much!
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