Odd Sundays at Molly’s
starts off the year with
featured reader Robert Hawkes
sunday, september 16, 2007
2 pm Molly’s Coffee House
554 Queen Street, Fredericton
Featured reader, Robert Hawkes, father, editor, professor emeritus, and poet, was born in Coal Creek, New Brunswick. He has edited, written, and reared children, variously, in Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, Eskasoni (NS), Sydney, and Durham (NC).
The Fiddlehead,
The Cormorant, and
The Canadian Modern Language Journal / La Revue Canadienne des langues vivantes are richer for his literary eye and heart. As well as being widely anthologized, Hawkes’ publications include prose pieces on educational topics, a history of 19th century Queens County teachers,
Paradigms (Fiddlehead/Goose Lane),
This Grievous Injury (Broken Jaw),
Cranmer and PoleArchbishops (Broken Jaw) and
Poems for the Christmas Season (Broken Jaw). Of
Cranmer and Pole, George Elliott Clarke has written: “an imaginative, first-person exploration . . . arrestingly vivid . . . hard-won and honed and impressive . . . this collection may be recommended for its almost stern, classics-minded authority.”
Open Set: Bring lyrics, drama, fiction, a recipe for mustard picklesor just plain poetryto present in the open set. If it is created from words, you can read it.
2 pm on September 16, at Molly’s Coffee House, for an afternoon of poetry. For information: acalvern@nbnet.nb.ca or 459-1436. Yay New Brunswick, Canada’s poetry province!
odd sundays at molly’s
lineup for 2007-2008 (so far):
Sep 16 Robert Hawkes (gentle, prophetic)
Oct 7 Raymond Fraser (a new book!)
Oct 21 Black Top Motorcycle Gang (eclectic and slightly subversive)
Nov 4 Robert Gibbs (from his novel!)
Nov 18 Wayne Curtis (short stories)
Dec 2 Gregory Cook (biographer, poet)
Dec 16 Lorna Drew (on living)
Jan 6 Logan Hawkes (music)
Jan 10 Betsy Epperly (on Anne of Green Gables)