15 September 2007

Hiking Trails of New Brunswick

Just because that the way these things happen, this morning I switched focus from HJAB to a book launch in the Saint John Room of the Crown Plaza–Lord Beaverbrook Hotel:

Marianne Eiselt & H.A. Eiselt launched Hiking Trails of New Brunswick, third edition (Goose Lane Editions) at Recreation New Brunswick (RNB) & New Brunswick Trails Council Inc. (NBTCI) fall conference: Together and Active: Strength Through Partnerships.

Expanded and updated, the new edition of Hiking Trails of New Brunswick features over 100 hiking trails organizized in sctions representing six regions of the province. The authors deliberately chose to not include regular walking, snowmobile, groomed, or ex-railbed trails such as the Trans Canada Trail. The book is complete with maps and photo, direction on where to start and descriptions of what one will experience—sometimes with informative sidebar stories—with numerous black & white photographs throughout.

I had hoped to figure out a way to record the introductory Q&A conducted by publisher Suzanne Alexander with the authors. Didn't happen. I couldn't get a line-in from the convention's rented mine-board feeding into a ceiling speaker system also into the digital Marantz. Think I would have needed cables I didn't possess (or, possibly, don't know about). Next best thing will to get one or both of the Eiselts on my show. Why not? Autumn hiking season is upon us. H.A. is especially entertaining and their talk definitely plays off each other.

I did, however get some okay photos. Ironically, Goose's publicist forgot to bring her camera so she's asked if they could use some of mine.

Hiking Trails of New Brunswick, third edition
by Marianne Eiselt & H.A. Eiselt
ISBN 978-0-86492-455-1
327 pp, illustrated + index
Sept. 2007
Goose Lane Editions

T-shirt: CHSR
loc: Harvestlightrain
temp: 16 C
sound: Led Zepplin II

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