Joe Blades lives his version of a Canadian artist's life with at least one twist ...
25 September 2006
Sevali macevi . . .
One for the Gagetown MAC club members back in Lyndhaven and other medievalists. Found this yesterday in the Blic newspaper of 11 Septembar 2006. An ability to read Serbian would be useful for the text. I'll try to get a condensed translation here a.s.a.p.
T-shirt: SFRJ loc: Senta temp: 26 C sound: Pete Seeger American Favorite Ballads, Vol. 4
According to several professors that I've met at the faculty in Pale, BiH, medieval history clubs like the one in this newspaper article exist in many Eastern European countries. Supposedly, a Serbian group was one of the first formed. Their events are quite well-attended, even popular (except for the food), one of the profs said.
......the art of peace is medicine for a sick world.......morihei ueshiba.
According to several professors that I've met at the faculty in Pale, BiH, medieval history clubs like the one in this newspaper article exist in many Eastern European countries. Supposedly, a Serbian group was one of the first formed. Their events are quite well-attended, even popular (except for the food), one of the profs said.
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