Several nights of concerts happened during the Senta 500th weekend. The Friday night show was by these guys:

A Hungarian rock or Hungarian anthem band that appeared to be very well-known and well-loved by the crowd. A large crowd for the size of the town, thousands, it was. All ages: from babies in strollers and kids on dad's shoulders to teens in Exploited, Korn and System of a Down stirts and great-grandparents whose fashion stopped decades ago.

Several streets were closed off for beer tents and food & candy stands, grills, other vendors (the band had their own table-tent: CDs, scarves, pens, lightes, key fobs, shirts, hoodies, hats) including the near-requsite glo-stix and metallic heleium balloons. Matthew heard of this band when he was first in Hungary 14 years ago, but this is his first time seeing them perform. Like many a Canadian Celtic or Quebéc rock band they had a fiddle/violin in with all the electric guitars. They had a great many singalong songs, audience carrying the chorus with volume while dancing or waving scarves, even raising lighters . . .
But all Hungarian in a town in Serbia . . . Hungarian and Serbian politicians in the wings . . .

Above is one of my favourite photoes from within the riverside party concert crowd. This kid
loves his balloon!
T-shirt: Bagad Kelc'h Keltieg Kombrid
loc: Adjanska 14
temp: 26 C
Chicks with Sticks (Hungarian dub) on HBO
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