The trip is coming up fast: Thursday. Not enough time for so much than needs doing. Plus this week is big busy for arts stuff here in Fredericton—all of which I cannot attend. Events include simultaneous launches Wednesday evening for the print edition of Biff Mitchel's novel The War Bug (Double Dragon) at the Fredericton Public Library (immediately after this month's CyberSocial "happy hour") and a 60th Anniversary Celebration and issue launch for the University of New Brunswick's The Fiddlehead literary magazine at Old Government House with readings by poets Don MacKay and Jan Zwicky.
Earlier that day, Herménégilde Chiasson, the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of New Brunswick, will also be part of the opening ceremony for the Charlotte Street Arts Centre.
Tuesday has my weekly radio program plus a morning launch of the 2005 New Brunswick Public Libraries Foundation's Fall Campaign.
Today, Monday, Monday, on the heels of a drowned Art Trek weekend, I have a doctor's appointment and an insane list to things to get done in the next few days: have to get books from Argyle storage; have laundry to do; have letters to write; have invoices and book orders to pack and ship; have to call the Canada Council for the Arts; have to deal with creating a customer relationship with the Vision>Action Collective's new Underground Café and Alternative Bookstore in the Charlotte Street Arts Centre, and with getting them their first Broken Jaw & MAPP book orders on mutually satisfying terms; have to get that film processed at the StupourStore; have to submit books to book awards for too-fast approaching deadlines; have to reply to my emails; have to revise an artist statement and artwork descriptions for an proposed exhibition; have to talke laptop, printer, camera, etc, to CRA (customs desk) to get carded for export & ease of return w/ same; have to start supplying materials on Broken Jaw's spring 2006 publications to the sales group including all not-done cover mock-ups, title information sheets, book excerpts and other expected or required sales kit contents; have to stop writing this blog post to get on with all the other stuff (and I've already been up and at it five hours—since 4 AM (9 AM, Serbia time).
shirt: green knit + black cotton
loc: comm centre
temp: 8 C
sound: traffic on still-wet streets, The Weakerthans Reconstruction Site
4 am!! That is too much. Something else for your list ... Have to breathe :-)
4 AM, yes, indeed! I'm leaning forward into Serbia time: preemptive, pre-neccessity adjustment. Then the clocks fall back, way back, upon my return. A quarter-day back. No wonder I feel behind (and the 8-ball is in the corner of your stairwell).
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