Woke at 3:18 am. Didn't really get back to deep sleep. Gave up tossing 'n' turning about 5 and here I am, again, on the blog, definitely a less sharp tack than this time yesterday morning. Can't self-destruct the artment this early. Just sit at the controls and write stuff: this and the mundane . . .
Below is a photo I took Sunday during Art Trek of the [my] studio
living room's window from the street. The text paintings are now back on my inside the apartment hallway wall.

"casemate poems (coda) 3" during its writing in my manual typewriter on one of the studio worktables. There's no photos of me in action as performance writer so these (and similar ones) will have to suffice for event documentation.
It's now 7:04 am. Transit buses and garbage trucks are on the street. Have decided that the only sane way to do this crazy reno number is one room at a time starting with where I am, the office/comm centre, the easiest room first.
It's time: "Let the destruction begin!"
T: CHSR, Highland Radio 2000
loc: comm ctr
temp: 8 C
sound: Ujamaa
LIVE at the Flamingo
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