Participants from Fredericton include:
Knowledge is Power Collective (KIP): In order to fill the void left by the monopoly of the corporate, profit-driven media, and to supplement the conventional school system, KIP is dedicated to the distribution of radical information through all forms of media including books, zines, workshops, and skillshares events.
revue ellipse mag: Canada’s only literary magazine entirely dedicated to the translation of poetry. Published since 1969, ellipse moved to Fredericton in 2001. Since then, ellipse has published annual issues on the Governor General’s Literary Award-winning poets and special issues on the Northrop Frye Festival, Argentina-Canada, and First Nations Writing as well as French- and English-Canadian poetry with translations in side-by-side format. For information, contact Jo-Anne Elder (director) at ellipsemag@gmail.com.
AB Collector Publishing: There are two books in process at ABcp, Ceramics, a collaborative ABcp/NBM cultural event, and Aschi, a human interest story. Astrid Brunner has proposed to read excerpts from these works in progress as well as from the book Malcolm. On display will be a cross-section of ABcp books, with archival posters, invitations, and events, ranging from Atlantic Canada to Banff, to the Stratford Festival to European collaborations and events.
Dawn-Aeron Wason’s Sublime Creatures: An independent art-craft-small press-music entity, will offer a variety of her handmade objects, including: photography, poem + photo chapbooks, painting and collage/crafted pieces, zines, spoken-word poetry CDs, cards, and more.
Hugh Thomas / Book Thug: Hugh will be selling copies of his chapbook Mutations, published by BookThug (Toronto) in 2004, copies of a more recent self-published chapbook, and extra copies small press periodicals where his work has appeared, including the last two issues of dig (wayward armadillo press, Toronto).
Broken Jaw Press has been publishing independently since 1985. A range of recent and long-running books, chapbooks, artist books, objet d’art and the irregular New Muse of Contempt—mostly written by Canadian authors—will be available. Expect a brief launch reading by Moncton author-editor Lee Thompson for his book S. a novel in {xxx] dreams.
Other exhibitors include The Fiddlehead, Random Paper and Fabric, Goose Lane Editions, Guernica, and QWERTY magazine.
Participants from Halifax include Eye Level Gallery, an artist-run center; Anchor Archives; and S.A.G.S.R.I. (Suitcase Art Gallery Space Research Institute).
The Small Press Fair will be immediately followed at 5 pm by the 8th International Multicultural-Multilingual Poetry Reading and Poster Poem Exhibition, organized and founded by Fredericton poet Nela Rio. Poems in a wide range of languages will be displayed around the gallery and read by the poets and audience members.
Gallery Connexion is located at 453 Queen Street, corner of York and Queen Street, around back of the Justice Building, through the green door. Regular operating hours are Tuesday to Friday, 12 to 5pm. Mailing address: PO Box 696, Fredericton NB, E3B 5B4. Contact: 506.454.1433 connex@nbnet.nb.ca www.galleryconnexion.ca
loc: sundayafter12werkdesk
temp: -2
sound: The Flaming Lips Transmissions from the Satellite Heart
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