Shirts: moose petroglylph, long-sleeve burgandy
loc: comCtr
temp: -14 C, windchill feeling like -22 C
sound: Squirrel Nut Zippers, Hot
Joe Blades lives his version of a Canadian artist's life with at least one twist ...
So, it's a small fair.
Hugh Thomas, math prof and poet pictured above, is here introducing his new Double Negative publishing entity and its first chapbook: Joyce's Walking Stick, by Hugh Thomas. Hugh also bootlegged two above/ground press poem broadsheets just to have copies of them here. Hugh will be live on Ashes, Paper & Beans (CHSR 97.9 FM) this coming Tuesday at about 7:30 pm.
There's a large table of hemp necklaces and jewelry stuff. Some soft journals, T-shirts, a Moonsocket CD and 7", Free Thought by the local Social Justice League, Monique with her portrait service, a girl—Dawn-Aeron Wason—with a zine, Sublime Creatures and chapbook of poems and stuff, magnetic buttons.
I put out some stuff including the Some Stuff . . . NCRA-published chapbook. Am not likely to stay here untill 6 pm. It's not that active. But it is good to see. At some point the live entertainment will start performing in the corner behind my table of stuff.
T: Quod nos non necat, etiam maxime laedit
loc: Underground Cafe
Temp: ?
sound: First Word on stereo
[& it was to be my Ashes, Paper & Beans program's live 11th Anniversary episode. Oh, w(h)ell, nothing I can do about it. UNB hockey playoffs have finally bumped me. First time in 11 years on air.—JB]T: The Word on the Street
misty half moon and one starT-shirt: The Word on the Street
over fredericton in night sky
i have not yet seen a sunrise
in poland or a night in warsaw
nancy burke will see no more
may a raucous thousand crows caw
her name from bare-branched trees
above the frozen earth
CHSR FM 97.9 FMShirt: Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival 1993
Box 4400
Fredericton NB E3B 5A3
Phone: (506) 453-4988
This story began long before it started throwing a few often strange threads my way a few years back.T-shirt: Newfoundland & Labrador: A World of Difference
The first page piece was written on 2 February 1990 (and it was deliberately designed to look a page pulled from a mass market paperback novel) for submission to, and publication in, an Art Postale! “B-Art Issue” of a mail art publication project edited and published by Vittore Baroni in Italy. It was my attempt at a piece from a disturbed story.
Once a year—when I wakeup on Groundhog Day—I write one more page without looking at the previous pages. I pick up the thread, tie a knot to a new scrap that lengthens the line. If needed, I edit to disjunctively continue broken sentences at the start of the current year’s page piece.
If my life ever gets that far, this will be a crazy quilt book or one colourful ball of yarn scraps. Possibly something to repair an afgan throw or a clown suit . . .
—Joe Blades
2 February 2001