T: long-sleeved burgandy
loc: church TV studio
temp: -8 C
sound: The Arrogant Worms with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Semi-Conducted
Joe Blades lives his version of a Canadian artist's life with at least one twist ...
'appy New Year!t: Guinness
Happy Shortest Day of the Year! Merry Longest Night!Today is the real New Year's Eve. We've made it through another year. Yeah! I recognized it this year simply by being up before dawn (rosy coloured in the west) with a mug of hot chocolated coffee and a raisin bread roll (and of course by writing this). Have already wished several people, family and friends, a "Happy Solstice" on live chat and will continue to wish this to people I meet throughout the day.
Cheers! Sociable! Živeli![Photo by me is of the namesake carving in front of the Blue Canoe Restaurant, Lincoln, NB.]
Woman hold her head and cryA week or so later I moved from Toronto after 15-months of living there and returned a passenger on the train to Nova Scotia.
Cause her son had been
Shot down in the street and died
From a stray bullet
. . .
Johnny was a goodman
Dear fellow CPA members,Margaret Saunders was a poet, editor and publisher. We first met during my young pup 15-months in Toronto in 1979-80 when she was editor and publisher of WEE Giant magazine. She must have been in Toronto for an Axle Tree Coffee House reading or something like that. She later published poetry of mine in her mag. Because of something I did, or said, or that happened early on, Margaret jokingly called me her guardian angel and that stuck for years whenever we met.
It is my sad duty to announce the deaths of Margaret Saunders and David Hillen earlier this week. Both were buried today [Thursday, 1 Dec 2005].
Margaret and David were both very active in the Hamilton literary scene and in the old Hamilton chapter of the CPA. Margaret died of cancer; David died of heart disease.
Cards and notes can be sent to the family of Margaret Saunders at 178 Bond St N, Hamilton ON L8S 3W6 and to the family of David Hillen at 111 Cannon St E, Hamilton ON L8L 2A2.
Both Margaret and David had been ill for quite some time. Their passing is a great loss to Canadian letters and, of course, to all Hamilton-area writers. They were well loved.
James Deahl
world wings
tap letters for words
december rain
It's easier to turn gold into art
than to turn art into gold.
—Joe Blades