Organized to foster tolerance, respect and cooperation among peoples.15 March 2008
5 to 8pm (immediately after the Fredericton Small Press Fair)
Gallery ConneXion
453 Queen Street (Justice Building Annex)
PO Box 696
Fredericton NB E3B 5B4 / 506.454.1433 /
Organized by: the Founder of the International Multicultural-Multilingual Poetry Reading, Nela Rio, and with the support of Gallery ConneXion, revue ellipse mag, Broken Jaw Press, Latin American Cultural Centre, Registro de Autores Creativos de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas and the Latino Association of New Brunswick.
Previous celebrations since 2000, have featured poets and members of the community reading in many languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Cantonese, Chinese, Japanese Dutch, Danish, Urdu, Turkish, Amharic, among others.
We invite you to join us in the 8th celebration!
This event is open to the general public and admission is free.
Please include your name, postal address, email address, the text of the poem (use Times New Roman, 12 point). The poem should have 30-lines maximum including stanza breaks (this is for the purpose of printing it on a poster for exhibition at the event). Send this information to BEFORE MARCH 7TH, 2008. Please note: this community event will not be paying artists or performance fee.
REGISTRATION FOR READERS (you may choose a poem of your favorite poet to read at this event). Please include your name, postal address, email address, the name and country of the author poet, the text of the poem (use Times New Roman, 12 point). The poem should have 30-lines maximum including stanza breaks (this is for the purpose of printing it on a poster for exhibition at the event). Send this information to BEFORE MARCH 7TH, 2008.
REGISTRATION FOR INTERNATIONAL POETS WHO CANNOT ATTEND THE EVENT FOR REASONS OF LOCATION. Please include your name, postal address, email address, the text of the poem (use Times New Roman, 12 point). The poem should have 30-lines maximum including stanza breaks (this is for the purpose of printing it on a poster for exhibition at the event). Send this information to BEFORE MARCH 7TH, 2008. Audience members or poets present may read your poem at the event.
Thank you very much
Nela Rio, Founder and Organizer
“[Poetry] also has the virtue of being intimately connected to our private practices of writing, reading, translating and sharing. In this respect it is more then ever before at the heart of the pact we have entered into, in the context of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010), to promote an enlightened learning based on the ideals of artistic and literary creation, freedom of expression and cultural diversity.”—Koichiro Matsuura, United Nations
shirt: brown turleknit
loc: mappworkdesk
temp: 2 C
sound: Led Zeppelin [one]
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