Getting there. Calgary from the food court level of the airport late yesterday afternoon. Two hours in this limbo before catching the Airporter shuttle bus to the Banff Centre. Some time spent in Montana's Cookhouse having a steak sandwich and beer.

Some of the view off my balcony this morning. Have a view of the length of Mt Rundle as well, its knife-edge peak obscured by a tall evergreen tree. This pic is of Goat Range and the side of Sulpher Mountain. Some some contruction happening at the Centre too. New dining room being built atop Sally Borden Rec Centre. Trucks and saws and grinders, rockbots landscaping. I will hear it as I'm keeping the balcony door open for cooler air. Turned the heat off in the room and it's still 23 C.

Now I'm validated as an artist again. Not just me making noise or meaningless somethings with things . . . Ten days of spooky spoken word work . . . writing in my room, attending info sessions, meetings, workshops, reading-performances, doing the Banff Avenue shuffle, seeing mule deer and elk, geese, wild swans, tourists. Recording interviews and stuff including contributions to my slow-to-come-together "audible art project" (last artist recorded was Alexandra Flood on 14/09/05). Green ink all over my hands from a leaky pen, here I am . . .
T: Ruminator Bookstore • Press &3149; Review
loc: LLoyd Hall, The Banff Centre
temp: 5 C, overcast
sound: doors and construction
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