I ran with carry-on suitcase stuffed with Marantz & gear, big box for Tidewater Books under one arm, broken lapdog bag in front and daypack on my back. Had doubts I'd actually catch the bus to Moncton but there was a long line of mostly university students to buy tickets and the buses waited. I still didn't have a place to kip.

Was a small comedy of confusion in the Frye admin office in the Delta Beausejour. Phone calls to Rayanne and a search through every cardboard box under the table and against the walls before they found my media pass in a bundle tucked behind the curtains.

First, I went to Mexi's on rue Main to catch the end of the WFNB reading. Came in during Partick Lane's reading . . . unexpected but great. Also caught Noeline Bridge, Edward Gates pictured above reading from
Heart's Cupboard (Broken Jaw Press), and Kelly Cooper reading from a novel manuscript.
Sat with Elaine Amyot, El Lemonde, Nancy Schofield, Lee Thompson and a later very-surprised Kimberly Gautreau. After a little discussion amongst them I ended up going with Kimberly to her place, a mattress in the attic studio in renovation. It's great.

After some great vegie pizza at Calactus, we went to the Moncton Public Library for the Dialogue between Patrick Lane and Bernice Eisenstein on writing memoirs. Recorded it for
APB and have promised to send copies to both authors.

At the Soirée Frye in the Capitol Theatre I sat at the back beside the sound board with a direct line out of the board. The musical highlight was a first-every collaborative performance by Les Paiens and Isaac & Blewett (pictured above). Great readings too, though brief, by Bryan Perro, Karen Soile, Marilyn Lerch and Georgette LeBlanc.

Up close pic of Ed Lemond and Kimberly Gautreau during the reception after the soirée. Wine, cheese and much fresh fruit to gnosh.

Went to the Night Howl, emceed by Paul Bosse, festival poet laureate. Pic above is of the very generous George Fetherling reading from his
Selected Poems. First time I've seen him since he was writer in residence at UNB several years ago. I covered up my media pass and read three poems to close the poetry component of the Night Howl. Was great to be asked to be a poet and to read my work.
Then I walked to Kimberly's house. Talked and then journalled until 2:30 AM.
T: Highland radio 2005
loc: City of Moncton Council Chambers
temp: ?
sound: pre-panel hubbub rubbarb