Still 18 C @ 5:30 pm. I headed out my bike for an unbelievably warm First of November bike ride. Down York Street. Through the parking lot. Across the footbridge over Pointe Saint-Anne Drive. Along the Saint John River passed the now-empty, seasonal Port of Fredericton's floating dock. Behind the Lord Beaverbrook Hotel and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery to the Green. Up onto the ex-train bridge to No'side and up the trail past Devon Lumber heading for Marysville.

I love biking along the rivers this time of year: autumn leaves everywhere, the surprise visibility through leave bare branches, the Burgundy red of the staghorns on the sumach. Love it all. Today's warmth a gift too. The river is very high. The remains of hurricane Wilma dumped plenty of rain here before I returned. A favourite area is where the Great Eastern White Pines drop their needled golden on the trail. The only thing that would make this better would be if there were Canada Geese in the air or on the river. I want to hear geese honking.
Quod Nos non ...loc: commCentre
Temp: 18 C
sound: Neil Young
Comes a Time
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