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Dear Anonymous:
Maybe you think it is fun. Perhaps you get some deeper, twisted pleasure or pain out of vitriolicly attacking people via their public blog. I suspect that me and mine is far from the only recipient of your anonymous attacks, and I see that you are still lurking about, still visiting my sandbox.
For its slight impediment to good people placing comments on my blog, I dislike my decision to invoke the moderator. But moderating submitted comments seemed to be the only way to limit your abuse of me.
You are a bully. No "But . . ." about it. Worse, you are a bully prowling the internet, the blog world. It would be bad enough if you were in my face, but you are a cowardly, angry bully with a computer online. Bullies are everywhere because the rest of us won't act like you live.
With very little effort I was able to track you back to a server in Sunnyvale, just outside of San Jose. I don't have to ask myself, "Who do I know near San Jose than might have a hate-on for me?" because I knowingly know no one near San Jose. Black Cloud over Sunnyvale, I sure don't want to know you.
It is unfortunate that you exhibit such a hate that you can't control yourself online. Now you're muted, muzzled, when you visit Broken Joe. As to your last shouted comment, anyone who knows me knows that I don't live and haven't lived out of "daddy's back pocket" or anything close to it for several decades. My hard-working arts life earns and pays my way, thank you very much.
Thankfully, I also live in the wild western Maritimes of Atlantic Canada—thousands of miles away from you in California—the width of the whole freaking North American continent away from you.
Broken Joe

T-shirt: Guinness
loc: comCtr
temp: o C
sound: V/A, The Bebop Revolution
well done!
Ditto! And amen to that!
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