Press Release: March 23, 2006
Lampman Poetry Award Reading at Beechwood Cemetery
The resting place of Canada's finest nineteenth-century poet will be the site of a poetry reading in his honour on Wednesday, May 10.
Born in 1861, Archibald Lampman graduated from Trinity College (Toronto) in 1882, then moved to Ottawa, where he worked for the Post Office until his death in 1899. He is known for his ability to immerse metaphysics in the details of nature, which he observed while hiking around what was then the wilderness capital of a new country.
Each year, the Arc Poetry Society's Archibald Lampman Award recognizes an outstanding book of poems published by a contemporary Ottawa-area poet. In past years, the award has gone to such notable local poets as George Elliot Clarke, Gary Geddes, Stephanie Bolster, and last year's winner, David O'Meara.
On May 10, eleven entrants to this year's prestigious Lampman competition will read from their work at the Reception Centre at historic Beechwood Cemetery, where Lampman himself is laid to rest. Poets Daniel Boland, Ronnie R. Brown, Tony Cosier, Laura Farina, William Hawkins, Bing He, Tom MacGregor, Nadine McInnis, Seymour Mayne, E. Russell Smith and Andrew Steinmetz will take the podium at this free event starting at 7:30 p.m.
Founded in 1873, Beechwood Cemetery is the resting place of Archibald Lampman, John Newlove, and many other leading Canadian poets of the nineteenth and twentieth century. A portion of Beechwood Cemetery has been designated “Poet's Hill,” and is being developed as a site for literary commemoration, reflection and education.
Beechwood Cemetery Reception Centre is located at 280 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario.
31 March 2006
Found photo du jour, 31 March 2006

My guess is that this is the footwear of one or several artists or musicians—somewhat like a band promo shot :-)
T: NSCAD Alumni
loc: comCtr
temp: -13 C
sound: "Brother John / Iko Iko" by Neville Brothers
28 March 2006
APB, 28 March 2006

While the story is playing, I'll be down the hall and around the bend at the last General Meeting of this university year for CHSR 97•9 FM in Room 103, UNB/STU Student Union Building, 21 Pacey Dr, Fredericton, NB. All members and interested general public are welcome to attend.
T: CHSR, Highland Radio 2005
loc: commCtr
temp: 10 C
sound: R.E.M., Out of Time
24 March 2006
@ The Mercury Lounge
After all-day brain-drain exploring gray matter folds in the virtual filing cabinet drawer of what skills a book publisher should/must possess to "edit books manuscripts," almost all of us brought to Ottawa for the working group meet in the Courtyard Marriott lobby to walk to nearby Domus Café for a pricey and high-quality meal. I had Alberta-raised Black Angus sirloin with a Felline red wine.
At 8:30 I bowwed out, before desert, to scoot through the Byward Market area streets to The Mercury Lounge above some eatery. Climbed the stairs, turned the corner into the lounge to see Stephen Brockwell on stage underneath a small planet-sized, currently still, mirror ball.
I took off my coat and ordered a pint of Steam Whistle. Walked over to tuck my coat under rob mclennan's table of above/ground press stuff. rob asked if I'd be interested in reading a few poems as an instant special surprise guest poet. Brockwell was almost done—on his second-to-last poem. I dug out the one copy of casemate poems with me. Minutes later I was at the mic reading a copyedited "if there is time . . ." from my journal followed by the last three "casemate poems (part two),: 23, 24 & 25."

Brockwell reading was a scheduled hook, a bonus for the audience. The real purpose of the "small press action network-ottawa (span-o) presents . . . ." reading was to launch above/ground press chapbooks by Ottawa's Nicholas Lea—light years, and Calendar Girls by Lea Graham currently of Worster, Mass. and visiting Ottawa for an in-person rob experience.
Heard the worst-ever introduction by rob. It went flat then got worse as he failed to extricate himself. But they were good poetry readings all around. Nicholas Lea read sitting down—feeling sickly and not up for standing at the mic. Lea Graham read from her new chap and from a larger work-in-progress, "Crush." Good crowd [but they didn't buy enough chapbooks to pay for rob's beer or past due February rent . . . needs a help fund worse than I do . . . to send money, subscribe to above/ground press].
loc: Rm 353, Courtyard Marriott, Ottawa
temp: 1 C
sound: Emily of New Moon & The Outer Limits
At 8:30 I bowwed out, before desert, to scoot through the Byward Market area streets to The Mercury Lounge above some eatery. Climbed the stairs, turned the corner into the lounge to see Stephen Brockwell on stage underneath a small planet-sized, currently still, mirror ball.
I took off my coat and ordered a pint of Steam Whistle. Walked over to tuck my coat under rob mclennan's table of above/ground press stuff. rob asked if I'd be interested in reading a few poems as an instant special surprise guest poet. Brockwell was almost done—on his second-to-last poem. I dug out the one copy of casemate poems with me. Minutes later I was at the mic reading a copyedited "if there is time . . ." from my journal followed by the last three "casemate poems (part two),: 23, 24 & 25."

Brockwell reading was a scheduled hook, a bonus for the audience. The real purpose of the "small press action network-ottawa (span-o) presents . . . ." reading was to launch above/ground press chapbooks by Ottawa's Nicholas Lea—light years, and Calendar Girls by Lea Graham currently of Worster, Mass. and visiting Ottawa for an in-person rob experience.
Heard the worst-ever introduction by rob. It went flat then got worse as he failed to extricate himself. But they were good poetry readings all around. Nicholas Lea read sitting down—feeling sickly and not up for standing at the mic. Lea Graham read from her new chap and from a larger work-in-progress, "Crush." Good crowd [but they didn't buy enough chapbooks to pay for rob's beer or past due February rent . . . needs a help fund worse than I do . . . to send money, subscribe to above/ground press].
"Oh, authors! You could write a book about them."T: Little Feat, Smooth Sailin'
—God, in Emily of New Moon tv series
based upon L.M. Montgomery novels
loc: Rm 353, Courtyard Marriott, Ottawa
temp: 1 C
sound: Emily of New Moon & The Outer Limits
22 March 2006
Trudeau to Ottawa Rapidair
On the nonstop Montreal to Ottawa flight, an Airbus A319. rob's parent's Maxville farm somewhere below the cloud cover . . .
This plane too hot for comfort at start of flight. Presume that it has just been sitting here warming up.
Row 16 is a curious one with only two hospitality seats in the space of three with an over-wing emergency exit beside me. On both flights today, I am put in the role of can opener in the unlikely event of an emergency being called. Don't have a seat neighbour on this flight. Nice! A small elbow room and leg room bonus-tradeoff for the potential responsibility, three stowage areas under the row of seats in front.
Plane appears to be equipped for enroute tv & music but, on this 20-min flight, they don't distribute headphones. [So short a flight that they even distribute cuppettes of juice before we left the terminal.] Travel geek that I am, I have a set of AirCan headphones in my laptop carrying case from some transatlantic or transcontinental flight. They work! enrouteFM is onboard—but there's such an excess of "pour votre securite" messages cutting into the songs that there's not much listening time.
This is one of the few flights I've been on where I feel disorientated—as if we're not really flying westnorthwest but some other direction . . .
T-shirt: Keiths
loc: AC1183 @ 14,000 feet
sound: enrouteFM, Jack Johnson
This plane too hot for comfort at start of flight. Presume that it has just been sitting here warming up.
Row 16 is a curious one with only two hospitality seats in the space of three with an over-wing emergency exit beside me. On both flights today, I am put in the role of can opener in the unlikely event of an emergency being called. Don't have a seat neighbour on this flight. Nice! A small elbow room and leg room bonus-tradeoff for the potential responsibility, three stowage areas under the row of seats in front.

This is one of the few flights I've been on where I feel disorientated—as if we're not really flying westnorthwest but some other direction . . .
T-shirt: Keiths
loc: AC1183 @ 14,000 feet
sound: enrouteFM, Jack Johnson
APB, 21 March 2006
A World Poetry Day episode!
Majority of the show was my recording of the Sixth International Multicultural-Multilingual Poetry reading of 19 March 2006 @ Latin American Cultural Centre, Fredericton. After that I played four poems by Gregory Corso: "In the Fleeting Hand of Time" "Vision of Rotterdam" "The Last Warmth of Arnold" and "Mexican Impressions."
T-shirt: Alexander Keiths
loc: Fredericton Airport (YFC) waiting area
temp: 1 C
sound: live airport ambient rhubarb
Majority of the show was my recording of the Sixth International Multicultural-Multilingual Poetry reading of 19 March 2006 @ Latin American Cultural Centre, Fredericton. After that I played four poems by Gregory Corso: "In the Fleeting Hand of Time" "Vision of Rotterdam" "The Last Warmth of Arnold" and "Mexican Impressions."
T-shirt: Alexander Keiths
loc: Fredericton Airport (YFC) waiting area
temp: 1 C
sound: live airport ambient rhubarb
20 March 2006
if there is time . . .
(my poem contribution to The Sixth International Multicultural-Multilingual Poetry reading, 19 March 2006 @ Latin American Cultural Centre, Fredericton, NB)
if there is time to sit in front of a computer
an converse with impossibly faraway friends
and if there is enough exhaustion to afternoon nap
then fall asleep repeatedly in front of a tv
and if travel’s elliptic return discovers
grapes becoming raisin in a refrigerator
and if a not watched kettle boils three times
before its hot water gets poured on coffee
and if everyone gets to tell their story
there might be less human destruction
and if a hurricane has destroyed this year
then an abysmal silence has reclaimed
and if a cowboy drops a match burning
sulphurous into neighbouring bushes
and if a pigeon atop a statue head
of state religion industry is death
and if school buses continue gathering
then dropping children in institutions
and if come-down leaves clog gutters
backed-up waters pool and freeze
and if sudden winter hits fiercely
during extended construction season
and if this is a one-minute survey
but the other an essay question worth
and if morning departure for afternoon
arrival means a short work friday
and if waking for dawn’s arrival
is another’s high noon waiting
and if there’s an end to possibilities
then this is rendered meaningless
—Joe Blades © 2006
T: Little Feat Smooth Sailin'
loc: comCtr
temp: -7 C
sound Talking Heads: 77
if there is time to sit in front of a computer
an converse with impossibly faraway friends
and if there is enough exhaustion to afternoon nap
then fall asleep repeatedly in front of a tv
and if travel’s elliptic return discovers
grapes becoming raisin in a refrigerator
and if a not watched kettle boils three times
before its hot water gets poured on coffee
and if everyone gets to tell their story
there might be less human destruction
and if a hurricane has destroyed this year
then an abysmal silence has reclaimed
and if a cowboy drops a match burning
sulphurous into neighbouring bushes
and if a pigeon atop a statue head
of state religion industry is death
and if school buses continue gathering
then dropping children in institutions
and if come-down leaves clog gutters
backed-up waters pool and freeze
and if sudden winter hits fiercely
during extended construction season
and if this is a one-minute survey
but the other an essay question worth
and if morning departure for afternoon
arrival means a short work friday
and if waking for dawn’s arrival
is another’s high noon waiting
and if there’s an end to possibilities
then this is rendered meaningless
—Joe Blades © 2006
T: Little Feat Smooth Sailin'
loc: comCtr
temp: -7 C
sound Talking Heads: 77
19 March 2006
Found photo du jour: 18 mars 2006

Found, 3 pm, Saturday, 18 March 2006, on southside sidewalk, Queen Street @ Camperdown Lane, Fredericton, NB, beside the totem pole parkette.
Think it's from another decade, possible several decades ago. Mustache on Vancouver-shirt-wearing buddy on the right seems dated. As do the big sunglasses on the three Heine men, the white vest over the denim shirt on the Andy Gibbs fan on the left. Think it was taken beside water—if that's water and part of a boat beside the balding head of the not-subject-of-the-photograph man on far left.
Same place that 13-years earlier I'd found a perfectly good cassette of Steve Earle's Guitar Town.
T-shirt: Bagad Kelc'h Keliteg Kombrid
loc: ComCtr
temp: -8 C
sound: Talking Heads: 77
14 March 2006
Barry Award!

Best Spoken Word ShowI had asked the Program Manager to give the jury the CD of a submitted show sometime way back when—the episode with the Lynn Davies live & Beth Powning recorded interviews.
Ashes Paper and Beans
The Barry Awards presentation was last month on 18 Feb & I didn't get to it. That was the weekend of the frigid Arctic air blob overhead and in town with extreme winds and windchill and I was wearing fleece-lined pants+ longjohns and everything else.
Never heard a thing about any of the winners (and I'd been to the station during office hours last week).
Surprise :-)
It's my third Barry Award in the 11 years of doing this show. Had received a Barry Award for Best Spoken Word Show before (1996) and an even more surprising Favourite Interviewer of 1999-2000.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

loc: comCtr
temp: 2 C
sound: CHSR webcast, Hatchet to the Head
APB 14 March 2006
Started the show with a great, serious, "Thou Shall Not Kill" by Kenneth Rexroth, followed by reg e. gaines' piece "Just Another Misunderstood Brother" about Jimi Hendrix.
[I received a "Hey Joe" email today that acknowledged that they were riffing Hendrix to write a first email to me].
Second half of the show was a Lisa Moore short story "Close Your Eyes" read by Holly Hogan followed by John Stiles with the wacked Annapolis Valley poem set "Apple Orchard Opera."
loc: comCtr
temp: 2 C
sound: CHSR webcast, Hatchet to the Head
[I received a "Hey Joe" email today that acknowledged that they were riffing Hendrix to write a first email to me].
Second half of the show was a Lisa Moore short story "Close Your Eyes" read by Holly Hogan followed by John Stiles with the wacked Annapolis Valley poem set "Apple Orchard Opera."
loc: comCtr
temp: 2 C
sound: CHSR webcast, Hatchet to the Head
Hse on George Street

Remember the Housefire On George St that I photographed and blogged about before CBC Radio?
Well, yesterday and today I noticed dumptrucks of what looks like house deconstruction going by my office window. Couldn't help but notice 'cause of the noise and vibration of their gearing down and braking for the traffic lights @ York.
This eve, en route to CHSR in the post thunder & lightning rain showers I went along George toward Carleton to discover that it was the housefire building that was being torn down, apart from the buildings connected to it.
No more apartment where Tranquilla or friends once lived, where Jenn Brayton once lived, where ? lived . . . It's gone.
loc: comCtr
temp: 2 C
sound: CHSR webcast, Mingles Not Singles
Lynn Davies & Eric Miller to Read at UNB
Poets Lynn Davies and Eric Miller will be reading at the University of New Brunswick—Fredericton on Monday, March 20th. The reading will be held at 8pm in the Alumni Memorial Lounge, 13 Bailey Drive, and is free and open to the public.
Lynn Davies will read from her latest work, Where Sound Pools. Her first poetry collection, The Bridge that Carries the Road, was nominated for both the 1999 Governor General's Award for Poetry and the Gerald Lampert Award for the best first book of poetry. Ms. Davies' writing has been broadcast on CBC radio and published in several literary journals, including Geist and Grain. She currently teaches creative writing at UNB.
Eric Miller is poetry editor for The Malahat Review and a professor of 18th century literature at the University of Victoria. He is the author of two books of poetry, Song of the Vulgar Starling (Broken Jaw Press) and In the Scaffolding. In 1996, Mr. Miller received the Academy of American Poets Prize at the University of Virginia, and was awarded The Fiddlehead 's Ralph Gustafson Prize for Poetry in 2002. He is currently working on a forthcoming prose collection entitled The Reservoir.
This reading is sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts and UNBF Department of English. For more information, please contact Edith Snook at 506-458-7379. Books can be purchased at the event from the University Bookstore.
------- End of forwarded message -------
T: CHSR, Fredericton's Alternative
loc: ComCtr
temp: 4 C
sound: Depeche Mode
Lynn Davies will read from her latest work, Where Sound Pools. Her first poetry collection, The Bridge that Carries the Road, was nominated for both the 1999 Governor General's Award for Poetry and the Gerald Lampert Award for the best first book of poetry. Ms. Davies' writing has been broadcast on CBC radio and published in several literary journals, including Geist and Grain. She currently teaches creative writing at UNB.
Eric Miller is poetry editor for The Malahat Review and a professor of 18th century literature at the University of Victoria. He is the author of two books of poetry, Song of the Vulgar Starling (Broken Jaw Press) and In the Scaffolding. In 1996, Mr. Miller received the Academy of American Poets Prize at the University of Virginia, and was awarded The Fiddlehead 's Ralph Gustafson Prize for Poetry in 2002. He is currently working on a forthcoming prose collection entitled The Reservoir.
This reading is sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts and UNBF Department of English. For more information, please contact Edith Snook at 506-458-7379. Books can be purchased at the event from the University Bookstore.
------- End of forwarded message -------
T: CHSR, Fredericton's Alternative
loc: ComCtr
temp: 4 C
sound: Depeche Mode
11 March 2006
Mojo turns 15

T-shirt: Mojo Club
loc: comCtr
temp: 8 C
sound: CHSR webcast
09 March 2006
Black Cloud over Sunnyvale
+ + +
Dear Anonymous:
Maybe you think it is fun. Perhaps you get some deeper, twisted pleasure or pain out of vitriolicly attacking people via their public blog. I suspect that me and mine is far from the only recipient of your anonymous attacks, and I see that you are still lurking about, still visiting my sandbox.
For its slight impediment to good people placing comments on my blog, I dislike my decision to invoke the moderator. But moderating submitted comments seemed to be the only way to limit your abuse of me.
You are a bully. No "But . . ." about it. Worse, you are a bully prowling the internet, the blog world. It would be bad enough if you were in my face, but you are a cowardly, angry bully with a computer online. Bullies are everywhere because the rest of us won't act like you live.
With very little effort I was able to track you back to a server in Sunnyvale, just outside of San Jose. I don't have to ask myself, "Who do I know near San Jose than might have a hate-on for me?" because I knowingly know no one near San Jose. Black Cloud over Sunnyvale, I sure don't want to know you.
It is unfortunate that you exhibit such a hate that you can't control yourself online. Now you're muted, muzzled, when you visit Broken Joe. As to your last shouted comment, anyone who knows me knows that I don't live and haven't lived out of "daddy's back pocket" or anything close to it for several decades. My hard-working arts life earns and pays my way, thank you very much.
Thankfully, I also live in the wild western Maritimes of Atlantic Canada—thousands of miles away from you in California—the width of the whole freaking North American continent away from you.
Broken Joe

T-shirt: Guinness
loc: comCtr
temp: o C
sound: V/A, The Bebop Revolution
+ + +
Dear Anonymous:
Maybe you think it is fun. Perhaps you get some deeper, twisted pleasure or pain out of vitriolicly attacking people via their public blog. I suspect that me and mine is far from the only recipient of your anonymous attacks, and I see that you are still lurking about, still visiting my sandbox.
For its slight impediment to good people placing comments on my blog, I dislike my decision to invoke the moderator. But moderating submitted comments seemed to be the only way to limit your abuse of me.
You are a bully. No "But . . ." about it. Worse, you are a bully prowling the internet, the blog world. It would be bad enough if you were in my face, but you are a cowardly, angry bully with a computer online. Bullies are everywhere because the rest of us won't act like you live.
With very little effort I was able to track you back to a server in Sunnyvale, just outside of San Jose. I don't have to ask myself, "Who do I know near San Jose than might have a hate-on for me?" because I knowingly know no one near San Jose. Black Cloud over Sunnyvale, I sure don't want to know you.
It is unfortunate that you exhibit such a hate that you can't control yourself online. Now you're muted, muzzled, when you visit Broken Joe. As to your last shouted comment, anyone who knows me knows that I don't live and haven't lived out of "daddy's back pocket" or anything close to it for several decades. My hard-working arts life earns and pays my way, thank you very much.
Thankfully, I also live in the wild western Maritimes of Atlantic Canada—thousands of miles away from you in California—the width of the whole freaking North American continent away from you.
Broken Joe

T-shirt: Guinness
loc: comCtr
temp: o C
sound: V/A, The Bebop Revolution
Seven songs
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.
[Not in ranked order]
1. "(manifest)" Weakerthans
2. "Got My Own Thing Now" Squirrel Nut Zippers
3. "Spaceman" Bif Naked
4. "Everyone Deserves Music" Michael Franti and Spearhead
5. "Rock 'n' Roll Suicide" David Bowie
6. "The Wind Cries Mary" The Jimi Hendrix Experience
7. "Blood Makes Noise" Susan Vega
I so hate tagging, playing tag, being tagged, being "it" [the tail end of sh__]. Go ahead! Play if ya want! I'm not naming ya!
T: Bagad Kelic'h Keltieg Kombrid
loc: commCentered
temp: O C
sound: Biff Naked, "Sophia"
[Not in ranked order]
1. "(manifest)" Weakerthans
2. "Got My Own Thing Now" Squirrel Nut Zippers
3. "Spaceman" Bif Naked
4. "Everyone Deserves Music" Michael Franti and Spearhead
5. "Rock 'n' Roll Suicide" David Bowie
6. "The Wind Cries Mary" The Jimi Hendrix Experience
7. "Blood Makes Noise" Susan Vega
I so hate tagging, playing tag, being tagged, being "it" [the tail end of sh__]. Go ahead! Play if ya want! I'm not naming ya!
T: Bagad Kelic'h Keltieg Kombrid
loc: commCentered
temp: O C
sound: Biff Naked, "Sophia"
08 March 2006

2. Ladies and men from the Legion (Royal Canadian) in uniform gathered for the funeral so I presume the fallen was one of their own. Carriage supplied by Bishop's on Woodstock Road.
T-shirt: Ian Dury
loc: comCtr
temp: 0 C
sound: The Jimi Hendrix Experience, "Are You Experienced?"
Fourth Annual Feast of Fools
The CFB Gagetown Medieval Anachronists' Club is pleased to announce the fourth annual Feast of Fools.
The event will include an armoured combat tournament and childrens' activities in the afternoon. The meal will be a three-course dinner of medieval period dishes.
Date: Saturday, April 1
Time: Noon—Midnight
Location: Lindsay Valley Lodge
The event is alcohol-free. Admission will be $10 per adult, $5 for children under 14, children under 4 eat free. Attendees are encouraged to dress in medieval European costume. Please bring your own place settings (dishes, cutlery, candles).
For more details and reservations, contact Amy at 422-2000 ext. 4423, or by email:
La Quatrième Fête des Fous Annuelle
Le Club des anachronistes médiévaux de la BFC Gagetown a le plaisir d'annoncer la quatrième Fête des Fous annuelle.
L'évenement vas inclure des activitées pour les enfants et des combat armée. Le repas vas ètre trois repas de cours de la période médiéval.
Date: Le samedi 1 avril
Heure: de 12 h à minuit
Endroit: Lindsay Valley Lodge
C'est une fête sans alcool. Le prix d'entrée est fixé à 10 $ par adulte, 5 $ pour les enfants de moins de 14 ans, et les enfants de moins de 4 ans seront admis gratuitement. Les participants sont invités à s'habiller comme à l'époque médiévale. Veuillez apporter vos accessoires de table (vaisselle, ustensiles, chandelles).
Pour de plus amples renseignements et pour réserver, communiquez avec Amy par téléphone au 422-2000, poste 4423
ou par courriel à l'adresse suivante :
Site Web:
T-shirt: Reason to Be Cheerful: A tribute to Ian Dury
loc: comCtr:
temp: -5 C
sound: Danú, Think before you think
The event will include an armoured combat tournament and childrens' activities in the afternoon. The meal will be a three-course dinner of medieval period dishes.
Date: Saturday, April 1
Time: Noon—Midnight
Location: Lindsay Valley Lodge
The event is alcohol-free. Admission will be $10 per adult, $5 for children under 14, children under 4 eat free. Attendees are encouraged to dress in medieval European costume. Please bring your own place settings (dishes, cutlery, candles).
For more details and reservations, contact Amy at 422-2000 ext. 4423, or by email:
La Quatrième Fête des Fous Annuelle
Le Club des anachronistes médiévaux de la BFC Gagetown a le plaisir d'annoncer la quatrième Fête des Fous annuelle.
L'évenement vas inclure des activitées pour les enfants et des combat armée. Le repas vas ètre trois repas de cours de la période médiéval.
Date: Le samedi 1 avril
Heure: de 12 h à minuit
Endroit: Lindsay Valley Lodge
C'est une fête sans alcool. Le prix d'entrée est fixé à 10 $ par adulte, 5 $ pour les enfants de moins de 14 ans, et les enfants de moins de 4 ans seront admis gratuitement. Les participants sont invités à s'habiller comme à l'époque médiévale. Veuillez apporter vos accessoires de table (vaisselle, ustensiles, chandelles).
Pour de plus amples renseignements et pour réserver, communiquez avec Amy par téléphone au 422-2000, poste 4423
ou par courriel à l'adresse suivante :
Site Web:
T-shirt: Reason to Be Cheerful: A tribute to Ian Dury
loc: comCtr:
temp: -5 C
sound: Danú, Think before you think
07 March 2006
Side by Side Summer Workshop
Side by Side Summer Workshop:
An Intensive Workshop in Creative Writing and Literary Translation
Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Fredericton, New Brunswick
4 days and 3 evenings (40 contact hours) May 4-8, 2006
We’ve designed the Side by Side Summer Workshop to give beginning and intermediate literary translators an opportunity to explore literary translation as a form of creative writing. Participants will have opportunities to read, discuss, write and translate short literary texts in all genres, both on their own and in groups. They’ll take part in creative writing and translation exercises and group discussions, and attend literary readings and lectures by writers and literary translators.
Languages of instruction: English and, depending on demand, French.
Information about the workshop and about applying can be sent by e-mail. Once completed, applications should be sent by regular mail to:
J. Elder, Side by Side Workshop
180 Liverpol Street
Fredericton NB E3B 4V5
The following should be included in the application:
- a letter demonstrating their interest in the program and details about their background and eligibility (Eligibility information is available from ellipse and can be sent in electronic format);
- a sample translation of a short text which is unpublished, in the public domain, or (preferably) of an example of their own, unpublished writing. Please include both the source and the target texts. Include no fewer than 6 pages and no more than 10 in total.
- non-refundable registration fee $30 (to the order of ellipse); this will be applied to the workshop fee and includes a subscription to ellipse magazine.
A few more details:
Applications should be received by March 14. Decisions will be made by March 30.
Workshop Fees are $400 (all materials and lunches at an organic vegan café are included). Discounts are available for early registrants (who pay the entire amount before April 8, 2006) and for students and full-time artists; please inquire.
For more information, write to
Atelier d’été Côte à Côte :
Formation intensive en création et en traduction littéraire
Au Centre des arts de la rue Charlotte,
à Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)
4 journées et 3 soirées (35 40 heures d’activités) du 4 au 8 mai 2006
L’atelier d’été Côte à Côte a été conçu et organisé par les éditions ellipse inc. dans le but d’offrir aux traducteurs et traductrices littéraires en début de carrière et en mi-carrière l’occasion de mettre en pratique les techniques d’écriture et de traduction pour réaliser des textes littéraires de tous genres. Les activités artistiques et pédagogiques seront axées sur la lecture, la discussion, la création et la traduction de courts textes littéraires, que les participant.e.s exécuteront seuls et en groupe. L’atelier es participant.e.s à l’atelier assisterontcompte également une série à des conférences et des lectures offertes par des écrivain.e.s et traducteur.trice.s de la région.
Les langues d’enseignement seront l’anglais et, selon la demande, le français.
Vous souhaitez poser votre candidature? Votre dossier de candidature devra contenir les éléments suivants :
- Une lettre dans laquelle vous décrivez votre formation, votre expérience et l’intérêt que vous portez à l’endroit de la traduction littéraire, ainsi que les détails sur votre admissibilité. (Des précisions sur les critères d’admissibilité sont disponibles en format électronique.)
- Un échantillon de traduction, d’une longueur de six à dix pages environ, faite à partir d’une œuvre littéraire inédite, d’une œuvre appartenant au domaine public ou, de préférence, d’un de vos textes de création. N’oubliez pas d’inclure dans votre envoi le texte de départ.
- Les frais d’inscription (non remboursables) de 30$ (chèque ou mandat à l’ordre d’ellipse) qui seront déduits des frais de l’atelier. Les frais d’inscription comprennent un abonnement à la revue ellipse.
Le tout doit être envoyé par la poste à :
J. Elder, atelier d’été Côte à Côte
180, rue Liverpool
Fredericton (N-B) E3B 4V5
La date limite pour l’envoi des demandes est fixée au 14er mars 2006. Nous vous communiquerons notre décision avant au plus tard le 30 mars.
Quelques renseignements supplémentaires :
Le coût de l’atelier est fixé à 400 $, montant qui comprend tous les matériaux nécessaires et les repas du midi (mets biologiques et végétaliens servis au Café Underground). Un rabais est offert à ceux et celles qui défraient le montant entier avant le 8 avril, ainsi qu’aux étudiant.e.s et aux artistes à plein temps.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, écrivez-nous à
An Intensive Workshop in Creative Writing and Literary Translation
Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Fredericton, New Brunswick
4 days and 3 evenings (40 contact hours) May 4-8, 2006
We’ve designed the Side by Side Summer Workshop to give beginning and intermediate literary translators an opportunity to explore literary translation as a form of creative writing. Participants will have opportunities to read, discuss, write and translate short literary texts in all genres, both on their own and in groups. They’ll take part in creative writing and translation exercises and group discussions, and attend literary readings and lectures by writers and literary translators.
Languages of instruction: English and, depending on demand, French.
Information about the workshop and about applying can be sent by e-mail. Once completed, applications should be sent by regular mail to:
J. Elder, Side by Side Workshop
180 Liverpol Street
Fredericton NB E3B 4V5
The following should be included in the application:
- a letter demonstrating their interest in the program and details about their background and eligibility (Eligibility information is available from ellipse and can be sent in electronic format);
- a sample translation of a short text which is unpublished, in the public domain, or (preferably) of an example of their own, unpublished writing. Please include both the source and the target texts. Include no fewer than 6 pages and no more than 10 in total.
- non-refundable registration fee $30 (to the order of ellipse); this will be applied to the workshop fee and includes a subscription to ellipse magazine.
A few more details:
Applications should be received by March 14. Decisions will be made by March 30.
Workshop Fees are $400 (all materials and lunches at an organic vegan café are included). Discounts are available for early registrants (who pay the entire amount before April 8, 2006) and for students and full-time artists; please inquire.
For more information, write to
Atelier d’été Côte à Côte :
Formation intensive en création et en traduction littéraire
Au Centre des arts de la rue Charlotte,
à Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)
4 journées et 3 soirées (35 40 heures d’activités) du 4 au 8 mai 2006
L’atelier d’été Côte à Côte a été conçu et organisé par les éditions ellipse inc. dans le but d’offrir aux traducteurs et traductrices littéraires en début de carrière et en mi-carrière l’occasion de mettre en pratique les techniques d’écriture et de traduction pour réaliser des textes littéraires de tous genres. Les activités artistiques et pédagogiques seront axées sur la lecture, la discussion, la création et la traduction de courts textes littéraires, que les participant.e.s exécuteront seuls et en groupe. L’atelier es participant.e.s à l’atelier assisterontcompte également une série à des conférences et des lectures offertes par des écrivain.e.s et traducteur.trice.s de la région.
Les langues d’enseignement seront l’anglais et, selon la demande, le français.
Vous souhaitez poser votre candidature? Votre dossier de candidature devra contenir les éléments suivants :
- Une lettre dans laquelle vous décrivez votre formation, votre expérience et l’intérêt que vous portez à l’endroit de la traduction littéraire, ainsi que les détails sur votre admissibilité. (Des précisions sur les critères d’admissibilité sont disponibles en format électronique.)
- Un échantillon de traduction, d’une longueur de six à dix pages environ, faite à partir d’une œuvre littéraire inédite, d’une œuvre appartenant au domaine public ou, de préférence, d’un de vos textes de création. N’oubliez pas d’inclure dans votre envoi le texte de départ.
- Les frais d’inscription (non remboursables) de 30$ (chèque ou mandat à l’ordre d’ellipse) qui seront déduits des frais de l’atelier. Les frais d’inscription comprennent un abonnement à la revue ellipse.
Le tout doit être envoyé par la poste à :
J. Elder, atelier d’été Côte à Côte
180, rue Liverpool
Fredericton (N-B) E3B 4V5
La date limite pour l’envoi des demandes est fixée au 14er mars 2006. Nous vous communiquerons notre décision avant au plus tard le 30 mars.
Quelques renseignements supplémentaires :
Le coût de l’atelier est fixé à 400 $, montant qui comprend tous les matériaux nécessaires et les repas du midi (mets biologiques et végétaliens servis au Café Underground). Un rabais est offert à ceux et celles qui défraient le montant entier avant le 8 avril, ainsi qu’aux étudiant.e.s et aux artistes à plein temps.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, écrivez-nous à
06 March 2006
distant surf or the quiet
singing of water in pipes
similar to computer fan
under desk accidental white
noise from the office room
buddy upstairs and his here
for march break girlfriend
clump up the stairwell at
4:38 after a night at boom!
and turn tv or something on
night dreams had travelled
tossed voluntary seat rental
on cafe counter to shut whine
not there to eat but invited
to meet a passing through
creaking dry wood bedframe
the adjustments of two where
one usually is not the awake
in cool daylight hard riding
as universe orbits intersect
days without hearing yells
friendly pay attention! heads
up! on more activity-events for
fool leaping east to east over
ocean and mountains to land
need music larger than classical
guitar and funky bassoon to drown
those angels above while wrestling
slowed serpents in new otter water
waiting for the coming fool's day
loc: cptn's seat
temp: -3 C
sound: Yvonne Kershaw & Steven Peacock, Canciones y Leyendas
singing of water in pipes
similar to computer fan
under desk accidental white
noise from the office room
buddy upstairs and his here
for march break girlfriend
clump up the stairwell at
4:38 after a night at boom!
and turn tv or something on
night dreams had travelled
tossed voluntary seat rental
on cafe counter to shut whine
not there to eat but invited
to meet a passing through
creaking dry wood bedframe
the adjustments of two where
one usually is not the awake
in cool daylight hard riding
as universe orbits intersect
days without hearing yells
friendly pay attention! heads
up! on more activity-events for
fool leaping east to east over
ocean and mountains to land
need music larger than classical
guitar and funky bassoon to drown
those angels above while wrestling
slowed serpents in new otter water
waiting for the coming fool's day
loc: cptn's seat
temp: -3 C
sound: Yvonne Kershaw & Steven Peacock, Canciones y Leyendas
04 March 2006
Eastward Bound
Slowly, far slower than I like for my funding support efforts, things are coming together for my book promo tour of Serbia plus in April. Promotion primarialy for Pesme iz kazamata (Rad, 2005) but also for my contibution of the “Recna svita” book within Slike iz kanade (SKC Niš, 2005).
I’m excited, very excited, and working flat out to get a mess of Broken Jaw book and catalogue stuff done before I leave Canada. I will still be trying to do necessary work while in Eastern Europe and to chop back the email that sprouts like weeds but it won't be anything like the 10-, 12- and 15-hour days on the computer in Fredericton. I'll be seeing places I've not been before, metting people not met before, or ones briefly met. I'll be trying to share my writing with people many of whom would not have heard it or read it before.
Certainly, a goodly number of people in Serbia have heard me read and talk in 2004 and 2005 at the University of Beograd, at the Beograd Book Fair, in interviews on Radio Studio B and Radio Beorgrad 2, at the YACS conference and Slike iz kanade book launch at the University of Niš.
This time, my third visit to Serbia, I’ll be flying into and out of Budapest, Hungary. The airfare, with Air Can + Lufthansa service, is hundreds of dollars cheaper than Beograd return. Was hoping to visit Budapest anyway.
The main book promotion events confirmed are:
• 10 April, 5 pm: reading with translator Dubravka Ðjurić @ Narodna biblioteka Kruševac, Trg kosovskih junaka 1, Kruševac. Tel 37 418 310.
• 12 April, 12 noon: reading with Dubravka Ðjurić (translator) and Simon Simonović (publisher) launching the Pesme iz kazamata (Rad, 2005) promotional tour. Kulturni centar Beograda, Knez Mihailova 6/I, Beograd. Tel. 2621-469.
It looks like I’ll also be doing stuff in several private language schools in Beograd and Senta. I might be meeting with a writers’ workshop group. I may also be going to the university in Pale (Bosnia & Herzegovina), or back to the University of Niš in the south. Am still awaiting confirmation and written invitations for several events, and am still open to other events happening.
I’ll also be meeting with publishers, authors, artists, editors and translators while looking towards projects for the future: books and art.
Have heard that already there is some media interest in the tour from one of the newspapers in Beograd . . . that they came ’round the Rad publishing house offices.
There should still be personal time, sigh, to relax and enjoy life, even to write, to have a beer two on the river or at the Mojo Club . . .
T: Little Feat, Smooth Sailin’
loc: comCtr
temp: -8 C
Sound: The Pogues, Waiting for Herb
I’m excited, very excited, and working flat out to get a mess of Broken Jaw book and catalogue stuff done before I leave Canada. I will still be trying to do necessary work while in Eastern Europe and to chop back the email that sprouts like weeds but it won't be anything like the 10-, 12- and 15-hour days on the computer in Fredericton. I'll be seeing places I've not been before, metting people not met before, or ones briefly met. I'll be trying to share my writing with people many of whom would not have heard it or read it before.
Certainly, a goodly number of people in Serbia have heard me read and talk in 2004 and 2005 at the University of Beograd, at the Beograd Book Fair, in interviews on Radio Studio B and Radio Beorgrad 2, at the YACS conference and Slike iz kanade book launch at the University of Niš.
This time, my third visit to Serbia, I’ll be flying into and out of Budapest, Hungary. The airfare, with Air Can + Lufthansa service, is hundreds of dollars cheaper than Beograd return. Was hoping to visit Budapest anyway.
The main book promotion events confirmed are:
• 10 April, 5 pm: reading with translator Dubravka Ðjurić @ Narodna biblioteka Kruševac, Trg kosovskih junaka 1, Kruševac. Tel 37 418 310.
• 12 April, 12 noon: reading with Dubravka Ðjurić (translator) and Simon Simonović (publisher) launching the Pesme iz kazamata (Rad, 2005) promotional tour. Kulturni centar Beograda, Knez Mihailova 6/I, Beograd. Tel. 2621-469.
It looks like I’ll also be doing stuff in several private language schools in Beograd and Senta. I might be meeting with a writers’ workshop group. I may also be going to the university in Pale (Bosnia & Herzegovina), or back to the University of Niš in the south. Am still awaiting confirmation and written invitations for several events, and am still open to other events happening.
I’ll also be meeting with publishers, authors, artists, editors and translators while looking towards projects for the future: books and art.
Have heard that already there is some media interest in the tour from one of the newspapers in Beograd . . . that they came ’round the Rad publishing house offices.
There should still be personal time, sigh, to relax and enjoy life, even to write, to have a beer two on the river or at the Mojo Club . . .
T: Little Feat, Smooth Sailin’
loc: comCtr
temp: -8 C
Sound: The Pogues, Waiting for Herb
02 March 2006
Found photo

Shirt: blue prairie-knit
loc: ComCtr
temp: -15 C
01 March 2006
APB 28 Feb 2006

Second half of show was a live interview with poet Hugh Thomas talking about the anthology Shift & Switch (The Mercury Press) and the 4 March, Saturday, 8 pm, book launch reading by Angela Rawlings, co-editor (Toronto, ON), Alice Burdick (Mahone Bay, NS), and Hugh Thomas (Fredericton, NB) @ the Underground Café (basement of Charlotte Street Arts Centre, 732 Charlotte St, Fredericton, NB. During the interview Hugh also read poems by Matthew Hollett, Mark Trusscott, Sharon Harris and himself.
Show ended with Motion, from Motion in Poetry (Womens Press), and her poem « J'ouvert ».
NOTE: There will be no APB on 7 March 2006 as I'm again being preempted by a UNB hockey playoff game.
T: CHSR, Highland Radio 2002
loc: comCtr
temp: -15 C
sound: Jamiroquai, Travelling Without Moving
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