A beautiful, mobile piece of ambient public art, Unsilent Night can be compared to a holiday caroling party—except that participants don't sing. Instead, each carries an ordinary boom box playing a separate cassette or CD that becomes part of the piece.
In effect, the individual participants become single elements in a huge, moving sound system. Performed within the confines of city streets, Unsilent Night reverberates off the cars and buildings, resulting in a magnificent, drifting cloud of shimmering, echoing sound. The 43-minute piece includes sounds of chiming bells, choral voices and various electronic effects. (Kline cites Brian Eno and Charles Ives among his influences.) Kline has performed Unsilent Night in New York City every year since 1992. In San Francisco in 2006, some 400 people took part.
If you can't bring a portable music player, come along anyway and enjoy yourself!
CDs and cassettes will be provided; if you want to download an MP3 for free, go here: www.unsilentnight.com/download/
Let's see how many folks we can get in Fredericton!
Don't forget your batteries!
Kids are welcome!
Make sure to dress warmly!
The event will be held rain or shine 7 pm at Gallery Connexion, 453 Queen St–Justice Building Annex. Tel 454.1433.
For more information on Unsilent Night, see these fine sites:
T: CHSR Highland Radio 2002
loc: postwerkhétfõ
temp: -8, wind chill of 16
sound: Patti Smith Horses
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