Contained two copies of the Imagination in Action anthology edited by Carol Malyon and published by The Mercury Press in Toronto. [ISBN 978-1-55128-132-2, 220 pp, $19.95] The book was launched 13 Nov, in Toronto at a fall line launch by The Mercury Press.
The next event planned for this book will happen 7:30 pm, Wednesday, 30 Jan 2008 at the Cameron House (back room), 408 Queen St West, Toronto ON. [Wish I could be there but that's so not likely on my cash flow theses days.] Might be visuals projected or selected readings . . .? There will be a party with music and dancing . . .
"Folks, step this way. Yes, folks, see Canadian artists and writers dancing. Be amazed and astounded by this unlikely collection of human being all in one room. Buy a copy of the book and gain admittance. Step this way: Right. Right. Left. Right. Hop. Right. Twirl. (repreat). That's right, folks, don't be shy."I'm one of 44 contributors—painters, sculptors, musicians, poets, novelists, teachers, actors . . . all artists of some stripe—who wrote down some of their thoughts on "creativity" . . . how we create art, how we choose its medium, or how we get chosen, what we do, how we live art.
T-shirt: Smooth Rock Falls • Canada
loc: preNor'easter
temp: -2° C
sound: Raising Sand by Robert Plant | Alison Krauss
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