by Joe Blades

greatrigg man look across lake
district and wales to the irish sea
open to the magic that calls
wordworth wrote letters
for villagers in need
of this service in addition to
his capacity as postmaster
in his garden i walk
sloping terrace and on to far
terrace to the summer houses
where he often wrote poems
inside his windowed attic
study: bookcases desk and
chair papers scattered
as if he's just stepped out
to walk to jenkin's crag or
into ambleside
i photograph his vision
of garden and lush lands
through the multi-paned window
and downstairs buy a postcard from
his descendants to write to a poet beyond
this countryside beyond the atlantic
—reprinted from eurotrip (Pooka Press, 1996)

t-shirt; Jim Beam
loc: brokenscandesk
temp: 33 C
sound: Talking Heads: 77
1 comment:
Saw your post today over at the Brim. Very cool man. Very cool.
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