while you were checking out your previously unknown neighbours in the [SWAN] II summit meeting in banff i caught sight of a not-me on screen: another brokenjoe
i created and named broken jaw press in the winter of 1983–84 while working in banff before starting studies at nscad in halifax. i don't even recall when in the years since then I started to sometimes refer to myself as Broke Joe and/or Broken Joe . . . somewhen back there. this blog, I started in august 2005. i named it brokenjoe without question or the least suspicion that anyone else was also using the name.

i don't have a CD out. i haven't recorded or published anything anywhere with the brokenjoe or Broken Joe moniker other than this blog and my newer blog.myspace.com/brokenjoe because so many of the other [SWAN]s are on MySpace and it's easier to link from within . . .
my question, if anyone is paying attention to this blog, is what do i do, if anything, about this brokenjoe band out of toronto the good, or what do i do about me and my brokejoe blogs?
shirt: sun yellow
temp: 25 C
cound: The Cure Wild Mood Swings
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