29 May 2007

Ashes, Paper & Beans, 29 May 2007

Tonight's lineup:
• Harvey Pekar, author of the long-running American Splendor nonfiction comic/ graphic novel, live at Frye Festival 2007.
• "Domesticators" by Sheri-D Wilson.
• "Buffalo" by Hilary Peach.
• "Listen" by Andrea Thompson.
• "In the Time Before" by Barbara Adler.

shirt: grey-green short sleeve
loc: brokenoffice
temp: 16 C
sound: Screaming Trees "Shadow of the Season"

27 May 2007

found graffiti

This past week, when I went by the NB Filmmakers' Co-op on bike I went behind the building, the Charlotte Street Arts Centre to lock my bike to the fire escape. Found this "Broken Jaw Ethics" graffiti on the wall. I didn't do it. Haven't heard about it from anyone else. Wonder how long it's been there . . . ?

loc: statementwritingbreak
temp: 17 C
sound: Rheostatics Whale Music

26 May 2007

The Canada Council strategic plan for 2008-2011

NB: Le français suit l'anglais

Dear colleagues:

The Canada Council for the Arts is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Anniversaries are occasions for celebrating the achievements of the past, but they also provide an opportunity for looking to the future.

The Canada Council is in the process of developing a strategic plan for 2008-2011, to guide the Council’s programs and priorities over the three-year period. We are inviting you to participate in this process, by giving us your thoughts on where the Council should be going in the short- and long-term.

As of May 14, a discussion paper will be posted on the Canada Council’s web site at canadacouncil.ca/en/consultation. We would appreciate your reading the discussion paper and sending us your ideas and suggestions by June 15. Your opinion – and especially your responses to the questions in this paper – will inform and enrich the strategic plan and provide ideas and inspiration for the long-term development of the Council.

The Council will also be meeting with national arts service organizations on June 18 to discuss together the strategic plan. If you are a member of a national arts service association, you can also provide input through your membership.

The Council’s strategic plan will be developed over the summer and early fall, and will be reviewed by the board of the Canada Council during its 50th anniversary meeting in Montreal in October 2007. Once approved by the board, it will be released to the public and posted on the Council’s web site.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Robert Sirman


Chers collègues,

Cette année, le Conseil des Arts du Canada célèbre son 50e anniversaire et, comme tous les anniversaires, celui-ci représente un moment privilégié pour célébrer nos réalisations, ainsi qu’une excellente occasion de contempler notre avenir.

Le Conseil des Arts a entrepris de développer un plan stratégique visant la période de 2008 à 2011 : le plan guidera les programmes et les priorités du Conseil pendant ces trois années. Par la présente, nous vous invitons à participer à ce processus, en nous communiquant vos idées sur les orientations que le Conseil devrait suivre à court et à long terme.

À compter du 14 mai, un document de discussion sera affiché sur le site web du Conseil, à l’adresse www.conseildesarts.ca. Nous vous saurions gré de lire le document de discussion et de nous communiquer vos idées et vos suggestions au plus tard le 15 juin. Votre opinion – notamment vos réponses aux différentes questions posées dans le document – contribueront à la conception d’un meilleur plan stratégique et serviront d’inspiration pour l’évolution à plus long terme du Conseil.

Le 18 juin, le Conseil rencontrera ensemble les organismes nationaux de services aux arts et discutera avec eux du plan stratégique. Si vous êtes membre d’une association nationale de services aux arts, vous pourrez aussi participer au processus comme membre de ces organismes.

Le plan stratégique du Conseil des Arts sera élaboré pendant l’été et au début de l’automne; le document sera révisé par le conseil d’administration de l’organisme à sa réunion prévue à Montréal en octobre 2007, pour célébrer son 50e anniversaire. Une fois approuvé par le conseil d’administration, le document sera publié et affiché sur le site web du Conseil des Arts du Canada.

Nous anticipons avec plaisir de connaître vos points de vue. D’ici là, acceptez, chers collègues, mes sincères salutations.

Le directeur,
Robert Sirman

loc: chaudphred
temp: 27 C
sound: NIN "That's What I Get"

spilt cement

it will harden before your eyes
turn to near-conglomerate stone
make you mark before it dries

take out the con
leave crete; how long has it been?
hair care is all sham and con

struction is what it is
no con- no de- just struck
sure a building’s built

some say the dam’s rotten
they cut to relieve stress
someday it might go

like the ever radioactive
of reactor on a fault line
. . . it only takes one

build out of target range
of atlantic submarines
downwind from then

all that dying and
moving south to méxico
or somewhere asian

can do and done
look great on paper
but rot in the heart

pray for earth
to upset its own?
even stone is fluid

loc: phredhotboxx
temp: 27 C
sound: Pocket Dwellers limited editon • ep

A Question of Perspective

did neil armstrong discover the moon?
no way, man, it wasn't like that
just because you see it first
or step on it first
doesn't make it yours
finders keepers be damned
posession is 9/10ths of bad law
he's got the darkness in him
endless guilt by association

attila rode and rode west
over the vastest landmass
fighting his every move
columbus found islands
on his western horizon
and was a confused man
merchant sailor vespucci
found land and more land
south of those islands

a german amateur geographer
clergyman and writer waldseemüller
willfully named it america
in a lterary club published
introduction to cosmology
after vespucci's given amerigo

henry david thoreau
explored walden pond
jacques kerouac was
an explorer of america
robert frank also
explored america

none own what they saw
they captured images
fixed them on paper
spread them around
for others to find
and find their own way

shirt: yellow, ribbed
loc: phredhotbox
temp: 27 C
sound: Talking Heads: 77

25 May 2007

Wordsworth's Window

rydal mount: house and garden
by Joe Blades

from treeless windswept sheep-dotted
greatrigg man look across lake
district and wales to the irish sea
open to the magic that calls

wordworth wrote letters
for villagers in need
of this service in addition to
his capacity as postmaster

in his garden i walk
sloping terrace and on to far
terrace to the summer houses
where he often wrote poems

inside his windowed attic
study: bookcases desk and
chair papers scattered
as if he's just stepped out
to walk to jenkin's crag or
into ambleside

i photograph his vision
of garden and lush lands
through the multi-paned window

and downstairs buy a postcard from
his descendants to write to a poet beyond
this countryside beyond the atlantic

—reprinted from eurotrip (Pooka Press, 1996)

Seriously blonde hair and tan, and a hand-painted shirt I made at a youth hostel in Belgium in August before I crossed the Channel and went north to Scotland, this is me, September 1983, back in Dartmouth, after four months travelling around Western Europe, England, Wales & Scotland. Photo was taken by my mother against the house wall.

t-shirt; Jim Beam
loc: brokenscandesk
temp: 33 C
sound: Talking Heads: 77

Guerrilla Girls

Just under 20 years ago, I went to New York City for a term of Off Campus studies as the first half of the final year of my BFA S(tudio major in Intermedia) @ NSCAD. My anchor in New York was a curatorial internship at the New Museum of Contemporary Art on Broadway [I was the first Canadian to do so]. Bur I also took in plenty of other art & writing activities during my four intense months in the Big Apple. Took many photographs . . .

Yesterday, while going through a mountaineous pile of paper, albums, binders and boxes to ferret out the originals of concrete/visual poems for an anthology due out next year, I found several photo prints including the one below.

I had heard about the Guerrilla Girls at NSCAD, before going to NYC. This poster and other activist actions of theirs were truly incredible, and totaly necessary. This group of women artists came together in 1985 to draw attention to issues and inequalities in the art world. With the assumed names of dead women artists, they wore gorilla masks in public, potested, and performed interventions.

I wasn't surprised today to find the Guerrilla Girls online and still fighting the good fight because the art world continues to be male-dominated and -controlled. One can buy framable copies of the current version of this poster and many other posters, stickers, T-shirts, etc. to raise local awareness whereever one is and to financially support Guerrilla Girls' ongoing activities.

t: Jim Beam
loc: brokenscandesk
temp: 33 C
sound: Violent Femmes "Color Me Once"

24 May 2007

from Back in the Days

Back in the Days before computers took over visual communication design I was a sometimes cheeky one at NSCAD. Was in VisCom 1 in the spring of 1985 when I filked "The Lord's Prayer". In the weird contradictions of the times used Letraset on a sheet of handcrafted paper by K. Reith Blake to make this poster/piece.

shirt: Pennsic XXXII
loc: Brokenscandesk
temp: 15 C
sound: Peter Gabriel "Shock the Monkey"

22 May 2007

APB, 22 mai 2007

Tonight's was a SOCAN-monitored, by choice all-CanCon, cancan episode of Ashes, Paper & Beans: Fredericton's Writing & Art Show:
"he sings" by Fortner Anderson + tape/head;
"i've been thinking / it's about time" by R.C. Weslowski;
"Harley Graveyard" by Sheri-D Wilson;
"Three Knocks" by Dwayne Morgan;
"Emergency" by Hugh Hazelton;
"This is the Picture (to be Repeated)" by Hilary Peach;
"Slérosi névrosa" par Geneviève Letarte;
"Snare, Kick, Rack, and Floor" by Paul Dutton;
"Literary Coup" by Klyde Broox;
"The Beavers Think It's Spring" by Kris Demeanor;
"Sayings" by Robert Priest.

T-shirt: CHSR Highland Radio '96
loc: Fredpostshow
temp: 13 C
sound: Neil Young Living With War

19 May 2007

28 May 2007 • Words of the World

The Havana recital is within the context of the XII Festival Internacional de Poesía de La Habana, May 28-June 2, 2007, supported by Proyecto Cultural Sur, and Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad, la Comisión Nacional Cubana de la UNESCO, la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Andalucía y el Centro Cultural Dulce María Loynaz.

Simultaneous readings are happening in:
• Asunción (Paraguay) • Bologna (Italia) • Dolores (Buenos Aires, Argentina) • Douglas (New Brunswick, Canada) • Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada) • Guadalajara (Jalisco, México) • Lanusei (Sardegna, Italia) • Luján (Buenos Aires, Argentina) • Magdalena (Perú) • Málaga (España) • México, DF (México) • Morón (Buenos Aires, Argentina) • Pachuca (Hidalgo, México) • Recife (Brasil) • San José (Costa Rica) • San Salvador (El Salvador) • Saskatoon (Saskatchewan, Canadá) • etc.

Fredericton poet-performers include Joe Blades, Ed Gates, Kimberley Gautreau, WhiteFeather and more, hopefully many more . . .

T-shirt: P.E.N. is mightier than the sword.
loc: fredpitstop
temp: 6 C
sound: North Mississippi Allstars 51 Phantom

18 May 2007


MAY 19, 9AM – 9PM
Fredericton, NB

9am – 10am
Brunswick St (outside Centenial Bldg), across from Science East
Poetry & Prose
Stephanie Yorke
Karen Ruet
lori p. morse
Biff Mitchell
Andrew Titus

10am – 12pm
Officer’s Square, corner of Queen & Regent, (RAIN: under the eve of the Museum, 571 Queen)
Poetry, Prose & Music
Blacktop MotorCyle Gang
        John Heinstein
        Andrew Titus
        Biff Mitchell
John Bowie
Chris Giles
Greg Shupak

12 pm – 3pm
Soldiers' Barracks, Queen St (RAIN location: Library, 12 Carleton St)
John Heinstein
Biff Mitchell
Andrew Titus

2pm – 4pm
The Lighthouse, Point Ste-Anne Dr, (RAIN location: Ingrid Mueller Art + Concepts)
Poetry & Prose
WolfTree Collective
Venessa Moeller and Carson Butts

4pm – 5pm
Ingrid Mueller Art + Concepts, 117 York St
Biff Mitchell

5pm – 6pm
Read’s Bookstore, King St
Bloggers & Poetry
Denis Poirier
        Joe Blades
        Sharlene Keith (letters from Afghanistan)

6pm – 9pm
Wilser’s Room, Queen St/Piper's Lane
Poetry, Prose & Music
Mihaela Ulieru
Matte Robinson
Kora Woolsey
Jordan Trethewey
Dino of River Group
Marc Jarman

loc: Brokeninvoicedesk
temp: 5 C
sound We Are Full Circle: an Aboriginal Women's Voices concert

17 May 2007

Extra American

Looking out my livingroom/studio window I see slightly different Fredericton sights than usual.

The blocks of George Street between York and Northumberland were dressed last night with USA flags and yellow Support Our Troops plasboard ribbons on houses.

I'm suspecting that some of the scenes for Sticks and Stones will be shot there today.

Suppertime yesterday, while Jon and me were viewing videopoems on YouTube, I answered a phone call asking if I'd be available to be a "pedestrian extra" today. To bring both winter and spring wear because he wasn't sure which season they were shooting in. [The weather's not sure either. after yesterday's cold rain, we got just enough snow overnight to coat the cars and buses and to leave trace amounts on the green grass and young leaves on the trees.]

I have to head out very soon, by way of the credit union, possibly Victory Meat, and the NB Filmmakers' Co-operative [for a headshot by Bridgitte], to get to base camp and my first day on this movie as an extra.

The new and temporary downtown "Brockton, MA" on the corner of York and King streets.

shirt: EthnicBlue
loc: Fredwerkdesk
temp: 2 C
sound U2 Achtung Baby

15 May 2007

APB tonight

Another straight up serving of Can Lit:
Jan Conn reading poems from Jaguar Rain (Brick Books) plus • "eeting filet mignon" by bill bissett • "My Hero" by Ivan E. Coyote (w/ Richard) • "ut ut igboo weasels" by R.C. Weslowski • "Juicy" by Andrea Thompson

t: Picaroons Brewing Company Mug Club '96
loc: presleepdoc
temp: 12 C
sound: VA impact music # 2

Broken Pencil + BookShorts

BookExpo's VIDEO SHOOT OUT wants to offer one lucky indie artist the chance to win a complete BookShorts video production package complete with post-production.
There's no doubt about it, this is one hell of a good prize. How do you win this fabulous prize? Easy, follow these five simple steps:

Step 1.
Think of a cool video idea about your zine or your indie print project and pitch it to BookShorts-on screen! Need to get inspired? Check out some indie-created productions we love at BrokenPencil.com.

Step 2.
Dust off your Bolex, borrow a camcorder, use your cell phone, talk at the webcam, flex your Flash fingers, hey just take a photo and narrate your story to it -- all you need is a good idea and 60 seconds of rant. It's the pitch -- we'll make your video when you win :)

Step 3.
Fill out the entry form at www.brokenpencil.com/bookshorts. Send it along with your video pitch. Make sure you send that gem before midnight on May 24, or else you will be sad.

Step 4.
Forward the contest to everyone you know. There is nothing wrong with a little competition. Makes the juices flow.

Step 5.
May 25 - Visit BookShorts.com to see ALL the fab video-idea-gems, and we'll announce the Shoot-Out Winner.

14 May 2007

quest to make "Fredericton, NB" a new Facebook region

It would be even better if more people make the suggestion to them. Then they'll reall get the message and would be more inclined to make it so.

T-shirt(s): Tidal Wave Film Festival 2002 & Brier Island is for the birds!
loc: Postbikeridechekin
temp: 16C
sound Holly Cole Romantically Helpless

12 May 2007

Post 500

Eric Hill, of recently formed BlackTop Motorcycle Gang, reading yesterday as part of Surge!THREE (part 1) @ Ingrid Muller, Art + Concepts, @ 117 York St, Fredericton, NB. Artist Deanna Musgrave, giant Chris Giles, and BiffMitchell.com (and other not shown audience members) watch & listen.

Exhibition opening there 2-5 pm today, for Frontiers by Mary White.

Sign from Surge!THREE (part 2) in the auditorium @ Charlotte Street Arts Centre

T-shirt: Little Feat Smooth Sailin' tour
loc: Morningdesk
temp: 7 C
sound: "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues"—The Handsome Family

11 May 2007

reviewing reviewers

is zachariah wells
the next carmine starnino

is he aiming or striving
to be like that
or a natural

mutiny on the boring
repeats regularly

in your face
only last so long
before push shove
or sit down shut up
decorum rules again

mild wild

drier than atwood
standing on guard
none of this ragin'
entertainment worthy
of gossip television

a little tension
attention well-aimed
can garner years
or decades of hereafter
green pastures and stable
T-shirt: SFRJ
loc: brokenreturnscounter
temp: 14 C
sound: V/A Highway 61 Revisited Revisited (Uncut)

10 May 2007

The Poem Made Visible

The League of Canadian Poets
Poetry Fest 2007 & AGM
June 8–10, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta
A library in the Victoria School of Performing and Visual Arts was destroyed by fire 9 April. Damage is estimated at $2 million.
Mail to: 10210 108 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T5H 1A8.
The Poem Made Visible

Friday, June 8, 1:30–3:00 pm.
Location: Evergreen Room, Lister Centre, 87 Ave & 116 ST, University of Alberta.

Moderator, Jannie Edwards
Panellists, Tom Konyves, Joe Blades, Colin Morton

The format of this panel will include a screening of videopoems, or excerpts of video/film poems by other LCP members. It may also include screenings of videopoems being produced by students of the Victoria School of Performing and Visual Arts.

[Joe Blades acknowledges the support of an Arts by Invitation grant from artsnb to enable him to participate on this panel.]

T-shirt sun yellow
loc: fredwrapupdesk
temp: 23 C
sound: stephen franks & noises from the toolshed songs for a platinum blonde diner waitress

another brokenjoe

thanx klyde!

while you were checking out your previously unknown neighbours in the [SWAN] II summit meeting in banff i caught sight of a not-me on screen: another brokenjoe

i created and named broken jaw press in the winter of 1983–84 while working in banff before starting studies at nscad in halifax. i don't even recall when in the years since then I started to sometimes refer to myself as Broke Joe and/or Broken Joe . . . somewhen back there. this blog, I started in august 2005. i named it brokenjoe without question or the least suspicion that anyone else was also using the name.

[maybe, at that time, this band didn't yet exist. their brokenjoe.com website doesn't state when they were formed. they have a CD out, Long Walk to Nowhere, released 1 aug 2006, consisting of "17 tracks of acoustic roots, including blues, folk, country and bluegrass, most of them Brokenjoe originals."]

i don't have a CD out. i haven't recorded or published anything anywhere with the brokenjoe or Broken Joe moniker other than this blog and my newer blog.myspace.com/brokenjoe because so many of the other [SWAN]s are on MySpace and it's easier to link from within . . .

my question, if anyone is paying attention to this blog, is what do i do, if anything, about this brokenjoe band out of toronto the good, or what do i do about me and my brokejoe blogs?

shirt: sun yellow
temp: 25 C
cound: The Cure Wild Mood Swings

biking to work

slow joe not in the least snappy decided to bike to work today. it was a sunny morning. no breeze. should be good to go by way of marysville. get to the steps by 9 am.

saint john river was exceptionally calm . . . making for great reflections. this is the scene from cathedral to legislature building

A disconnected reflect of pine and other trees in a nashwacksis flooded field.

on the ground under the hardwood, the fiddleheads, trout lily and red trillium are bold colour against the faded grey and browns of last year's foliage and ground cover. ontario has claimed the white trillium, and that's great for them, but i prefer the red almost burgandy trillium for its colour burst.

loc: fred1-800waiting
temp: 17 C
sound: David Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

08 May 2007

APB, 8 May 2007

Was an almost all [SWAN] Spoken Word Arts Network night on Ashes, Paper & Beans:
• "he sings" by fortner anderson (Montreal)
• "The Last Frontier" by Hilary Peach (Gabriola Island)
• "Listen" by Andrea Thompson (Toronto)
• "Rant Against Otherness" by Klyde Broox (Hamilton)
• "Pelican Lake Conversions" by Kris Demeanor (Calgary)
• "Last Night" by Dwayne Morgan (Toronto)
• "I Like to Wear Dresses" by Ivan E. Coyote (Whitehorse & Vancouver)
• "The Lighthouse Is On" by Drek Daa (Winnipeg)
• "Domesticators" by Sheri-D Wilson (Calgary)

T: "Joe" Canada
loc: fredfirstsummernight
temp: 21 C
sound: Nirvana Gold

07 May 2007

bpNichol Chapbook Award 2007

Blues, by $bpNichol
—"Blues," by bpNichol.

bpNichol Chapbook Award Presentation Dinner
A celebration of Canadian poets and their work

Date: 29 May 2007
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Cervejaria, 842 College St (at Ossington), Toronto, ON

The bpNichol Chapbook Award was established in 1984,to encourage and inspire Canadian poets and new poetry. Each year, $1000 is awarded to the best poetry chapbook in English, published in Canada.

This will be the first time we announce and present the award at a celebratory dinner & fundraiser. It will be a fun evening of food, entertainment, selected poetry readings and a silent auction. Admission is $75 per person and includes a 3-course dinner (of that amount, $50 is eligible for a receipt for income tax purposes.) All proceeds will go directly toward increasing the amount of the award, establishing a 2nd and 3rd prize, and raising awareness of bpNichol and chapbook poetry. Emcee, Luciano Iacobelli. Guest Speaker, Nick Mancuso. Seating is limited, so please reserve early! For tickets contact: Natalie, 416-964-3380.

If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a donation, please send a check or money order to: Phoenix Community Works Foundation, 505-344 Bloor St W, Toronto ON M5S 3A7. Tel: 416-964-3380, Fax: 416-964-8516. Charitable Tax Number 13096 2277 RR0001. A tax receipt is available for all donations of $30 dollars or more. Email: info@pcwf.ca, website: www.pcwf.ca.

shirt: black knit long-sleeve
loc: Hawkeye Island
temp: 5 C
sound: Mother, on the ground floor; CBC radio news rhubarb

04 May 2007

In Glass Jars

The man at the front of the bus—grizzled, dressed in black sweater and shirt, grey slacks—held a white Styrofoam pellet container with red-lettered tape encircling it.

I expected to read that it contained human blood, as I’ve regularly seen containers of that transported on Acadian buses. Along with live chicks, bedding plants and trees, the canisters of feature-length movies.

When the man lifted the handled container, it swung around from CAUTION / FRAGILE warnings to CONTAINS HUMAN EYES—IN GLASS JARS.

That’s a tough one. HUMAN as in people . . . family . . . someone's relative or relatives . . . a mother or sister, son, brother . . . Someone’s “dear departed . . .”

The eyes of the dead en route to possibly giving welcome sight to someone else. What a gift! What incredible small gifts those human eyes will make.

Someday, it might be my eyes—burnt from so many years of close detail work—inside such a container of glass jars.

I’ve signed-off on the organ donor component of my driver’s licence and that information must be in the barcode or magnetic strip on the card’s back. When I renew my licence, I put a checkmark and sign as requested. I’m willing to share what little I have.

shirt: Dk blue prairie knit
loc: Acadian Lines bus 10602
temp: ? (warmer than it was)
sound: wheels on the road, passenger chatter

on the road east

hit the road again
not steel on ice flat
or on breathtaking luge

friday weekend run
gradmother turned 88 this week
parents b'days next weekend

up from labrador
arctic winds swirl cool
wild western maritimes

inside acadian bus
loaded with accessories
computer journal pens

canon video camera
and much more in kit
—delusional artist

sea bugs run
atlantic ocean floor
eastern shore food

a feed or two
a must for times away
and i go . . .
T: plain white
loc: fredwrapup
temp: 4 C, windchill 0
sound: Bon Jovi "Someday I'll be Saturday Night"

03 May 2007

No Limits 12 Hour Read-A-Thon

Hey folks,

This is for real! It’s your chance to be heard . . . on your terms. It’s the very first NO LIMITS 12 HOUR READ-A-THON. It’s on Saturday, May 19 and it’s sponsored by the Maritime Writers’ Workshop and Literary Festival.

It’s all over downtown Fredericton and there are no . . . absolutely no . . . limits on what you can read. No limits on who or what you are . . . you can be a writer, you can be a not-writer. You can read something you’ve written or something somebody else has written. You can read your favorite letter you’ve received from an old friend. You can read your favorite piece of documentation. You can read your favorite poem. You can read from your blog. You can read from somebody else’s blog. You can read a short story you’ve written.

There are NO LIMITS. You can be 9 years old or 90 years old. You can be a journalist or somebody who reads newspapers and magazines. You can be a sidewalk bard, a folk singer, a river poet, a radio copy writer, a computer documentation writer, an annual report writer . . . there are NO LIMITS!

If you’re interested send me an email at biff@biffmitchell.com or send Andrew Titus an email at atitus@unb.ca. We need to hear from you soon because Fredericton’s very first NO LIMITS 12 HOUR READ-A-THON is just 17 days away.

PLUS . . . there will be a poetry slam, a reading on the Green, a special venue for kids!

And please . . . forward this email to as many people as you can think of who might be interested in reading ANYTHING they’ve written, or anything anybody else has written . . . like the lyrics to their favorite Doors song, or the funniest for sale sign they’ve seen on a bulletin board, or . . .

02 May 2007


got no car. no truck. wtf. i want kitchen and apartman painted. don't give an f about the p. lot (that's almost a 4-letter word, as W.O. Mitchel was wont to say)

T: Mojo Club
loc: postlate
temp: 10 C
cound: Blind Melon

01 May 2007

APB, May Day 2007

tonight's show was a straight-forward serving of the Frye Fest's Dialogue between authors Patrick Lane and Bernice Eisenstein followed by two pieces by Dwayne Morgan: "For the Love of Money" and "My Declaration of War".

T: "I Will Not Make Boring Art"
loc: Fredpostshow
temp: 10 C
sound: un