Canada’s national arts funding agency has challenged Canadians to help it celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2007 by stepping up their involvement in the arts.So here I am, a creator and a consumer of the arts . . . I've been feeling like a hermit, in from the cold and living with low level burn-out. How has my participation been so far this year?
The Council is asking people to participate in 50 arts activities during the anniversary year—ranging from reading a poem to singing in a choir to attending a film festival to looking at a painting—keep a record of their experiences and let the Council know about it.
—from a Canada Council for the Arts media release
week 1
1 took photographs
2 watched A Midsummer Night's Dream movie
3 finished reading a book: The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver (HarperPerennial, 1992)
4 watched Tim movie
5 poetry manuscript editing work
6 watched Anna and the King movie
week 2
7 took photographs
8 book publishing project discussion
9 renewed my Canadian Artist Representation / le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC) membership
10 wrote prose fiction
11 submitted various books to award competitions
12 literary arts events planning meeting with Nela and Jo-Anne
13 met with NBCCD instructors and another book designer publishing-type to develop entrepreneurial course student book design project w/ me being the artist/author
14 was sketched by artist Paul Hughes @ Isaac's Way (& given the sketch)
15 attended exhibition opening: Equilibrium, Emerge+ responds to the work of Rick Burns, with live turntablist PLA & F-hi-lo @ UNB Arts Centre
16 attended exhibition opening: Remembering Rick @ Gallery ConneXion
17 translated English to Irish Celtic
week 3
18 took photographs
19 donated books to Inverness County Literacy Council's "Family Literacy Day"
20 wrote poetry
21 editing work on several poetry manuscripts of mine
22 published prison song 01, a little something . . . 26 written by moi (Fredericton, NB: Broken Jaw Press)
23 saw art exhibit Profils • Profils • Profils by Herménégilde Chiasson, Galerie 12, Moncton, NB
24 saw group art exhibit le parlior public @ Delta Beausejour, Moncton, NB
25 attended and participated as author in a three-poet reading—Joe Blades, Karen Davidson, Edward Gates—@ Attic Owl Bookshop, Moncton, NB
26 attended UNB grad students' fiction reading, The Taproom
week 4
27 cooked haggis to honour poet Robbie Burns
28 took photographs
29 cut coiled wire for making chain mail stuff
30 attended Newfoundland author Lisa Moore reading @ UNB-Fredericton
31 met with textiles artist in Oromocto to examine loom for future use
32 saw art exhibit at Charlotte Street Arts Centre: can you read my... by Amber Friedman
33 saw art exhibit at Charlotte Street Arts Centre by students of Peter Gorham @ Nackawic Elementary School
34 attended author Anne Simpson talk @ Charlotte Street Arts Centre
35 wrote very short fiction for anthology submission
36 food, garb & and gear prep and participation in medieval anachronists club feast
week 5
37 wrote short prose for ongoing Groundhog Daze project
38 wrote poems
39 took photographs
40 worked with leather to craft objects
41 worked on documentation to support applications for name and device to the Society for Creative Anachronism's East Kingdom College of Heraldry
week 6
42 wrote short prose
43 caught start of Dub Antenna performance @ Phoenix Rising
44 attended exhibition opening: The Pink House by ehryn torrell, @ Gallery ConneXion
45 wrote and edited poems of mine
46 took photographs
47 signed petition, signature #352, in response to the announcement of cultural funding cuts to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) for Public Diplomacy.
48 practiced singing new-to-me song while cleaning grapes
49 installed Cree, Lakota, Navajo and Old Norse TrueType fonts on computer and started using them for poems and texts in those languages
50 watched Dune movie
week 7
51 made art
52 wrote poems
53 took photographs
54 made four hand-bound accordion-fold bookworks
55 prepped for upcoming readings and hands-on book-binding workshop in Nackawic
56 read poems and books
57 translated phrases from Serbian to English
58 started work on layout of issue no. 78 of ellipse: textes littéraires canadiens en traduction / Canadian writing in translation
59 attended art exhibition opening: Drawings @ Ingrid Muller, Art + Concepts
How's that? Know than some of these are not what everyone would can arts or culture but even heritage exploration is the arts/culture. This list doesn't include so many things done and not recorded. It simplifies others extremely . . . but, honestly! what is an arts activity or event?
T-shirt: moose petroglyph by Alan Syliboy / Red Crane
loc: Fredstatsoffice
temp: -16 C (wind chill -28 C)
sound: Grey's Anatomy
Hmmm. I wonder what my count would be for the year so far. Probably about the same with all of the things that I do at the school. And drawing and painting with the beans. Not to mention any artistically personal persuits.
On a totally different note... was the movie "tim" the one that was based on the Colleen McCullagh book? I probably spelled her name wrong, but if it was... have you read the book? It was (as many times happens) far superiour to the book.
Tim with Mel Gibson (1979).Yup, that's the author—l;Colleen McCullough—and book. Didn't like it as much as her book The Thorn Birds.
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