Several years ago I would select lost pet posters found during my artistic perambulations and send them to a mail art project periocical named
pas de chance. They reproduced, in a reduced size, lost pet posters submitted from around the world. The ever-changing issues came with a dog treat biscut and a pet tag glued to the cover of each copy.
Today, just up York Street between Needham and Aberdeen streets, just south of my building, I found a king of lost pet posters, or at least a crown prince. . .

Reminds me of the time I lost a 3-foot garter snake in the basement in our house in Dartmouth. That was a good-sized snake. It was either my sister Ruth or our mother who found "my" snake curled up inside the bottom of the still-warm clothes dryer . . .
Shirt: Burgandy, long-sleeve
loc: com Ctr
temp: 7 C
sound: Tom Waits,
Real Gone
Dude, sorry to disappoint, but did you consider what "special day" yesterday was?
Fully, but one shouldn't post an April Fool's joke days before the day. first saw this poster on Wednesday when I was hand-truckin' book cartons from Argyle St to my apartment. Jokes are always possible :-) but consider the options . . .
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