Passing though a small town with a mirror on a 90 degree turn. Nose of the green minibus I was a passenger in can be seen in the reflection.

flatland, edge of the Hungarian Plain, and hillsides near Baia Mare covered in orchards

sunset in Baia Mare. Municipal/public library building on left is where today's sessions for the 4th Unconventional Conference of Young Canadianists commence in 1 h 20 min @ 9 AM.

Dracula's bank? (Photo for Cynthia)

Inside the Medieval Restaurant where Brendan and I had supper (sans forks because forks had not yet been invented).
I Skyped into last class at UNB-Fredericton
with wireless in a dorm room at North University
of Baia Mare knowing that today will likely
be rought for me energywise but I present
tomorrow, Friday, morning in a 9 AM session.
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