Namesti Svobody / Freedom Square in central Brno with summer beach bar, saint someone on a pillar, Old Town Hall, and more ...

A visually striking, ornately flower-decorated building.

Sunrise on the hills and buildings of Brno. Better seen by the camera held out the windrow than me through the A4-paper high windows in metre-thick walls of the attic-based Uni Hotel of the building housing the offices of the university rector.

Building with I've been staying. Mararykova is a 45,000 student university. As I am a grad student doing thesis research/Canadian Studies research here the room was covered (with thanks) by a grant CEACS has for that purpose. Very nice!
Yesterday morning, as planned, Zuzana J. met me at the entrance of the university hotel. We walked first to see Don Sparling in the Canadian Studies Centre office (just an admin office—with shelves of Canadian Studies books and journals published by Muni Press) in the Faculty of Arts building. Was given a book by Don, written by six scholars hin ere at Mararykova Univerzita, that he had a hand translating and editing. Seems like some of it might be useful for my work.

The university library
I can't get internet in the university library without an administration-complicated user name and password process … but I can sit in the cafe on the corner near it with a coffee or beer and there my computer automatically signs me into the eduroam network (also at University of New Brunswick—where I registered my notebook for eduroam) and I'm online. So easy and comfortable.

Staropramen on tap (stay away from the Stella). [Starobrno beer, clearly a Czech beer, is owned by the Heineken group.]

Kasematy entrance to a museum at the hilltop fortress, not castle, Brno-Mesto in the hiltop Park Špielberk. Was already closed for the day when I got there.
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