“La Asamblea de constitución del Capítulo de Fredericton de la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesía tendrá lugar este sábado, 26 septiembre, 2009, a las 14hs en la Biblioteca Pública de Fredericton.”
“Adíos, Grupo Local de Fredericton.”

The Foundational Assembly / founding meeting for Capítulo de Fredericton de la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesía / the Fredericton Chapter of the Ibero-American Academy of Poetry took place yesterday, Saturday, 26 September 2009, at 2pm at the Fredericton Public Library, 12 Carleton St.

Signing papers and recording minutes of the meeting.

Attending the founding meeting in person were: Haydée Sainz, Carlos Morales, Ana Rosales, Sophie Lavoie, Nela Rio, Maria Oancia and Joe Blades. Other founding members participated online.
Academia Iberoamericana de Poesía is an international project, they say “una creación de la”
Asociación Prometeo de Poesía, Madrid, España. Other Capítulos/Chapters are in Barcelona, Madrid, and Málaga, España; Cuenca, Ecuador; Jerusalem, Israel; Washington, USA; and Montevideo, Uruguay.
Stay tuned for future activities of Capítulo de Fredericton de la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesía.
shirt: grey St John's Bay
loc: Sundaymorning
temp: 7°C
Portugal—Music from the Edge of Europe
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