28 October 2010
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25 October 2010
ellipse 83 launched

L’Est rencontre l’Ouest / East Meets West
Editor’s Note: Jo-Anne Elder
tr. (français) Stéphanie Roesler (Ontario)
Winners of the Literary Translation Contest, Jo-Anne Elder
Joe Blades (E/E), “sometimes”
tr. (français) Jean Babineau (E/E*)
tr. (français) J.R. Léveillé (O/W)
tr. (Catalan) Michael Bantjes (O/W)
intra (English) Kathy Mac (E/E)
tr. (Dutch) Will van den Hoonard (E/E)
tr. (Dutch) Dymphny Dronyk (O/W)
tr. (Turkish) Yalçin Ener (Turkey)
and Mehmet Yaşin (Cyprus)
Joe Blades (E/E), “permutations of water”
Joe Blades (E/E), from from the book that doesn’t close (E/E)
tr. (Serbian) Tatjana Bijelić (BiH)
Kathy Mac (E/E) “Elements of a Good Workshop”
tr. (français) Charles Leblanc (O/W)
intra (English) Joe Blades (E/E)
Art. Acadie. Sarah Petite (E/E)
Art. because Giants (after Sarah Petite). Joe Blades (E/E)
Art. Edgecomb Block door (tagged by EASTMEETSWEST artist Cyrus Smith). Joe Blades (E/E)
J.R. Léveillé (O/W), sans titre (« il répondit… »)
(English) J.R. Léveillé (O/W)
tr. (Catalan) Elisabet Ràfols (O/W)
tr. (English) Ashley Bursey (E/E)
intra (français) Joe Blades (E/E)
adaptation (English) Kathy Mac (E/E)
Herménégilde Chiasson (E/E), « Instructions pour 10 performances intimes »
tr. (English) Nicole Vienneau (E/E)
tr. (English) Ida Orenbach (E/E)
tr. (German) Inge Noeninger (E/E)
Don Domanski (E/E), “A Hummingbird’s Heart Beats 1260 Times a Minute”
tr. (français) Martine Cantin (E/E)
Jean Babineau (E/E), « La Descente »
(English annotated version) Jo-Anne Elder and Jean Babineau
tr. (English) Jo-Anne Elder (E/E)
Dyane Léger (E/E) et Paul Savoie (O/W), extrait de L’Incendiaire
tr. (English) Jo-Anne Elder (E/E)
[*E : artiste de l’Est du Canada, O : artiste de l’Ouest du Canada /
E: from Eastern Canada, W: from Western Canada]
Want a copy? Here's a subscription &/or order form:

21 October 2010
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19 October 2010
09 October 2010
Festival Côte à Côte 2010 Side by Side Festival

WORDS AFLOAT, WORDS ADRIFT: Translating Literature /
TRAJECTOIRES ET DÉRIVES de la traduction littéraire

Fredericton & Moncton, NB
21 oct
• 18h30–19. Cérémonie d'acceuil autochtone / Aboriginal Welcome Ceremony. Carlos Gomes. The Green, beside Beaverbrook Art Gallery, rue Queen St., Fredericton.
• 19–19h30. Ouverture officielle / Official Opening.
+ Trajectoires et dérives de la littérature-monde (APLAQA)
+ Simposio 2010 de la Asociación de Hispanistas de las Provincias Atlánticas / Symposium of the AHPA/ Symposium de l'AHPA
+ Side By Side Festival/Festival Côte à Côte.
• 20–21h. Reading / Lecture. Régine Robin, Phyllis Aronoff.
22 oct
• 14–16h30. Faculté des arts salle 207, Université de Moncton. Rencontre littéraire et atelier de traduction / Discussion and Translation Workshop. Dyane Léger et Rose Després.
• 19–21h30. Centre communautaire Ste.-Anne, 715, rue Priestman St., Fredericton. Soirée littéraire / Reading (in French) en collaboration avec Association des professeurs de litérature acadienne et québécoise de l'Atlantique (APLAQA)
• 9:30pm– . James Joyce Pub, 659, rue Queen Street. (Les) Rendez-vous: Multilingual Reading and Open Mic / Lecture multilingue et micro ouvert, Recital poético y lectura abierta. Phyllis Aronoff, Jean Babineau, Joe Blades, Herménégilde Chiasson, Rose Després, Brigitte Harrison, Hugh Hazelton, Raymond Guy LeBlanc, Dyane Léger, Biff Mitchell, Nela Rio, Howard Scott and others / et d'autres!
23 oct
• 9–3:00pm. UNB-Fredericton location tbd / à déterminer. Simposio 2010 de la AHPA/ Symposium of the AHPA/ Symposium de l'AHPA. Hugh Hazelton, Nela Rio
24 oct
• 11–3:00, 178 croissant Liberty Cres, Moncton. Brunch Chez Rose. Discussion. Phyllis Aronoff, Joe Blades, Herménégilde Chiasson, Rose Després, Jo-Anne Elder, Brigitte Harrison, Hugh Hazelton, Raymond Guy LeBlanc, Dyane Léger, Elisabet Rafols, Nela Rio, and others / et d'autres!
25 oct
• 9–3:00. UNB-Fredericton activities tbd / à déterminer
26 oct
• 10–11:30. Holy Cross House conference room, St. Thomas University, Fredericton. Translation Live! Workshop / Atelier Traduction en direct w/ Phyllis Aronoff, Joe Blades, Rose Després, Hugh Hazelton, Dyane Léger, & Howard Scott.
• 1–2:30. Edmund Casey Hall 124, St. Thomas University, Fredericton. Atelier de création / Writers' Workshop (in French), entrée gratuite, inscription recommandé, avec Rose Després et Dyane Léger.
• 7–9:00. Margaret McCain Hall 307, St. Thomas University, Fredericton. Panel: Acadian Literature Table ronde: La littérature acadienne (en anglais / English), avec Rose Després et Dyane Léger.
05 October 2010
Fredericton Small Press & Community Fair: November 2010
Fredericton Small Press & Community Fair, including “Nuestro Espacio” display for Spanish language books & journals,
Sponsors include Broken Jaw Press, Capítulo de Fredericton de la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesía, and revue ellipse mag . . .
Tentative Vendors • Exhibitors • Readings • Workshop(s)
BlackTop MotorCycle Gang
bookshandmade.com (Ottawa)
Breaking the Silence--Fredericton Chapter
Broken Jaw Press
Gallery ConneXion
Goose Lane Editions
Qwerty magazine
Random Paper & Fabric
revue ellipse mag
LA IMAGEN ES UN SENDERO / THE IMAGE IS A PATH / L’IMAGE EST UN CHEMIN International Multicultural–Multilingual Poetry Reading & Poster Poem Exhibition, in conjunction with the United Nation’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Nela Rio, exhibit founder and organizer.
Indie, small and micro-press publishers: books and chapbooks of poetry, fiction, artist multiples, artist books, broadsheets, postcards, zines, lit mags, literacy info crafters & much more ...
Location: Gallery ConneXion, in the Chestnut Complex, 440 York St, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Exhibitor fees: $15 payable to: BS Poetry Society, Box 596 Stn A, Fredericton NB E3B 5A6. Doors open @ 11 AM for exhibitor setup. Contact (506) 454-5127, joeblades@nb.aibn.com to reserve a space and readings. Best if you can bring a table, too!
Free things (info, publications, calls for submissions, etc.) can be mailed to us for the distribution table. The fair itself will not sell for folks who can’t make it, but if you can arrange for someone local (say, a UNB student) to represent you @ the fair that would be great!
NEW DATEDoors open at 11 for setup!
13 November 2010
Sponsors include Broken Jaw Press, Capítulo de Fredericton de la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesía, and revue ellipse mag . . .
Tentative Vendors • Exhibitors • Readings • Workshop(s)
BlackTop MotorCycle Gang
bookshandmade.com (Ottawa)
Breaking the Silence--Fredericton Chapter
Broken Jaw Press
Gallery ConneXion
Goose Lane Editions
Qwerty magazine
Random Paper & Fabric
revue ellipse mag
LA IMAGEN ES UN SENDERO / THE IMAGE IS A PATH / L’IMAGE EST UN CHEMIN International Multicultural–Multilingual Poetry Reading & Poster Poem Exhibition, in conjunction with the United Nation’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Nela Rio, exhibit founder and organizer.
Indie, small and micro-press publishers: books and chapbooks of poetry, fiction, artist multiples, artist books, broadsheets, postcards, zines, lit mags, literacy info crafters & much more ...
Location: Gallery ConneXion, in the Chestnut Complex, 440 York St, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Exhibitor fees: $15 payable to: BS Poetry Society, Box 596 Stn A, Fredericton NB E3B 5A6. Doors open @ 11 AM for exhibitor setup. Contact (506) 454-5127, joeblades@nb.aibn.com to reserve a space and readings. Best if you can bring a table, too!
Free things (info, publications, calls for submissions, etc.) can be mailed to us for the distribution table. The fair itself will not sell for folks who can’t make it, but if you can arrange for someone local (say, a UNB student) to represent you @ the fair that would be great!
01 October 2010

Poets across Canada will visit schools, alternative schools, and youth centres from Oct. 4 to 9, 2010, during the seventh annual Random Acts of Poetry event, sponsored by The Canada Council for the Arts.
In Fredericton, New Brunswick, Joe Blades will participate for the fourth year. Blades has authored seven poetry books, and is the current President of the League of Canadian Poets. “Sharing poetry creates a space for growth and understanding in people’s lives. This is especially important for youth,” says Blades.
For the first time, the event is focused on bringing poetry to young people. “We want to draw attention to youth literacy, which is a crucial issue for Canada’s future,” says Claire Rettie, Executive Director of the READ Society, a non-profit literacy organization in Victoria. READ has provided tuition assistance for children and youth from low income households in Victoria so they can improve their reading, writing, mathematics and study skills.
READ coordinates this national event in conjunction with Sooke poet Wendy Morton, the event founder. During the week, 30 poets across Canada, from Victoria, British Columbia to Pasadena, Newfoundland Labrador, will commit Random Acts of Poetry in their cities. Poets will read to youth and give them copies of their poetry books.
“We will choose poems that speak to young people and hope to encourage them to find poems in their own lives,” says Morton, who will read at LAU,WELNEW Tribal School in Saanich, BC. She believes that poetry is a way into language for those who have barriers to it.
Across Canada poets will commit Random Acts of Poetry in: Calgary, Edmonton, Elmvale, Fredericton, Gibsons, Kincardine, Laval, Montague, Montreal, Moose Jaw, Nanaimo, Ottawa, Pasadena, Quebec City, Sooke, Stratford, Thamesford, Toronto, Vancouver, Verdun, Victoria, Windsor, Winnipeg, and Wolfville.
For more information please contact:
Wendy Morton, 250-642-3542 wendymorton @ shaw.ca
Claire Rettie, READ Society, 250-388-7225 crettie @ readsociety.bc.ca
Joe Blades, Fredericton, NB 506 454-5127 joeblades @ nb.aibn.com
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