In recognition of their contribution, Joe Blades and Broken Jaw Press created the Poets’ Corner Award in 1998, during the City of Fredericton’s 150th Anniversary. Broken Jaw has since handed the award over to the BS Poetry Society to administer. The Poets’ Corner Award winner winning author receives a $500 cash prize from the BS Poetry Society and book publication of the maunscript with Broken Jaw Press Inc.
Previous Winners
2006 • Edward Gates, Heart’s Cupboard (See the media release.)
2004 • Stephanie Maricevic, Republic of Parts
2003 • Lorri Neilsen Glenn, All the Perfect Dsguises
2002 • Vanna Tessier, Peppermint Night
2000 • Lorne Dufour, Starting from Promise
1999 • Alice Major, Tales for an Urban Sky
• The Poets’ Corner Award is given to the poetry manuscript chosen by the judges. If the judges decide that the entries do not merit it, the award may not be given in a particular year.
• The Poets’ Corner Award winner any given year may not enter the competition during the subsequent two years.
• Poetry manuscripts of 60-80 pages, typed one-side only, maximum of one poem per page (poems may be longer that one manuscript page in length), on 8.5 x 11 or A4 letter paper with manuscript title and page number on every page. Individual poems may have been previously published in periodicals, anthologies and chapbooks. Blind judging requires that the author name, address, previous publication notations, thank yous, acknowledgements, manuscript dedications, not appear anywhere in the body of the manuscript to be judged.
• Include author name, address, phone numbers, manuscript title and a literary biographical note on a separate sheet of paper.
• No email or disc-only submissions.
• Manuscript must be available in digital form in MS Word or WordPerfect (do not sent with entry).
• Manuscripts will be returned if accompanied by a Self-Addressed-Stamped-Envelope (SASE) with sufficient Canada Post stamps, or International Postal Reply Coupons purchased from your local post office. Do not send us the only copy of your manuscript. If you only wish to receive prepublication notification of the Poets' Corner Award winner, enclose a #10 letter-size (SASE with Canada Post stamps, or International Postal Reply Coupons purchased from your local post office).
• The judges, staff, and owners of Broken Jaw Press Inc. and the board members, staff and volunteers of the BS Poetry Society may not enter the competition.
• Judging is at the discretion of Broken Jaw Press Inc. and the BS Poetry Society. Judging comments are not provided to entrants.
• $20 entry fee includes a copy of the winning poet’s book upon publication). Include a cheque, bank draft, or post office money orders payable to BS Poetry Society. No cash by mail, please.
• Annual entry deadline: postmarked 1 September. NEW DEADLINE!
• Award winner should be announced by World Book Day, 23 April, with book publication and award that same year. Therefore, the competition closing 1 September 2006 should produce the Poets’ Corner Award 2007 winner.
Poets’ Corner Award
BS Poetry Society
Box 596 Stn A
Fredericton NB E3B 5A6
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