24 September 2010

La imagen es un sendero / The image is a path / L’image est un chemin


United Nations, October 21st “World Day for Audiovisual Heritage” /
Naciones Unidas, 21 de octubre, “Día Internacional de la Herencia Audiovisual”

Audiovisual documents, such as films, radio and television programmes, audio and video recordings have transformed society by becoming a permanent complement to the traditional written record / Documentos audiovisuales, tales como películas, programas de radio y de televisión han transformado la sociedad al constituirse en permanente complemento de la documentación de la palabra escrita.

Convocatoria Internacional de Poesía /
International Call For Poetry:
The reading will take place on October 17th, 2010
in “Nuestro Espacio”, in the context of the
Fredericton Small Press Fair


La lectura tendrá lugar el 17 de octubre, 2010
en “Nuestro Espacio”, en el contexto de la
Feria de Editoriales Pequeñas de Fredericton

Gallery ConneXion
440 York St, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Cómo participar / How to participate

Enviar un poema, no más de 30 líneas, usando Times New Roman. Incluir nombre y apellido; dirección postal y electrónica a Nela Rio: nelario@rogers.com antes del viernes 8 de octubre 2010. Este evento está abierto para el público en general y no hay costo de admisión. / Send a poem, no more than 30 lines, using Times New Roman. Include your name, postal address, email address, to nelario@rogers.com before Friday, 8 October 2010. This event is open to the general public and admission is free. This community event will not be paying artist or performance fees.

Nela Rio, fundadora de La imagen es un sendero / The image is a path / L’image est un chemin cuenta con el patrocinio de: Revista ellipse, editoral Broken Jaw Press, Galería de Arte ConneXion, Registro Creativo de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas, Asociación Latino de New Brunswick y su programa “Presencia”, y Capítulo de Fredericton de la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesía. / Nela Rio founder of La imagen es un sendero / The image is a path / L’image est un chemin, with the support of ellipse, Broken Jaw Press publisher, Gallery ConneXion, Registro Creativo de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas, Latino Association of New Brunswick, and its program, “Presencia”, and Fredericton Chapter of Iberoamerican Academy of Poetry.

poem written before

walking towards an assassination
attempt but i keep walking slowly
quietly looking at the grey clouds
and many shades of green in trees
and plants and the burn from too
little water or too much gravel
where there should be soil
see a pink rose petal
far from any rose bush
and marvel at the power
of wind and what we have
built that obstructs
if without that purpose
but sometimes yes
for that purpose
even harnessing kinetic
energy of the winds
is an exploitation
without permission
not quite as invasive
or destructive as mining
or the damming of rivers
or the deliberate splitting
of atoms and where
will it stop when
to cry out enough
maybe we don’t need
this power this access
to abuse this control
of air for any reason
anyone/anything’s cake
and we dematerialize
become naked apes
to live or not
until we forget
we are living without
but are living simply

walking not into a trap
or ambush but into misunderstanding
that i feel i know a little
enough to trouble myself
and to be perceived as others’ problem
but having been chosen to represent
not in image but in body and mind
now i have been othered
by those same
or on the continuum
in the stream i am in
and have been in a while
swimming afloat treading water
but not clinging or damming
have come to see the particles
i am one of at this juncture
perhaps to recognize
as a participant
or participant–observer
ego upfront enabler
but what does it matter
when eventually i will
not be and my particles
will no longer sustain this life
as i’ve experienced it
no more making waves
or being carried by waves
death comes to us all
without exception
parts of me have been
blown into thinner space
relative to earth
in the expanding universe
for some time now
other parts i’ve shed
and they fall to the floor
and ground dead
and i consume to rebuild
until my body tires or fails
in that effort or choice
is taken from me

03 September 2010

second issue of 17 seconds: a journal of poetry + poetics

rob mclennan, editor
Roland Prevost, managing editor

Conversations with John Newlove
- by Carla Comellini

Love, Anne Carson: a fictional essay in the wrong order
- by rob mclennan

Joe in the Balkans: an interview with Joe Blades
- by Tatjana Bijelic

An Interview with Dennis Cooley
- by Sean Moreland

'in the estuary' and 'funereal relief re-lives'
- two poems by Pearl Pirie

- a poem by Kathleen Fraser

surveillance of LECTURE: excerpt from a work-in-progress
- by Kathleen Fraser

seventeen seconds: a journal of poetry and poetics comes out as the natural extension of the eight issues of Poetics.ca edited by rob mclennan and Stephen Brockwell. Highlighting the diversity of voice, style, practice and politic, seventeen seconds continues the resolve to provide a forum for dialogue on contemporary poetics, with a focus on Canadian writing. Over the past two decades, the amount of critical writing published in print literary journals on Canadian poetry, specifically, seems to have decreased dramatically, but slowly returned through a number of online journals. seventeen seconds simply wishes to help strengthen the dialogue and the ongoing conversation about writing through publishing new writing, and conversation about new writing. How else are we supposed to learn anything, unless we keep talking?

Feedback and submission queries are most welcome.
rob mclennan: az421 (at) freenet (dot) carleton (dot) ca
